Peanut Popper Diddy Kong Rejoins Super Smash Bros in Latest Update

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.02.2014 12

Peanut Popper Diddy Kong Rejoins Super Smash Bros in Latest Update on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The baseball cap wearing, gun-tooting Diddy Kong has been confirmed as a returning character in the next Super Smash Bros. games for Nintendo Wii U and 3DS.

To celebrate the release of Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze today, Nintendo updated the character roster on the official website for the upcoming games. Armed with his explosive peanut popgun and barrel jet-pack, the cheeky simian once again juggles his foes with acrobatic prowess.

Image for Peanut Popper Diddy Kong Rejoins Super Smash Bros in Latest Update
Image for Peanut Popper Diddy Kong Rejoins Super Smash Bros in Latest Update
Image for Peanut Popper Diddy Kong Rejoins Super Smash Bros in Latest Update
Image for Peanut Popper Diddy Kong Rejoins Super Smash Bros in Latest Update
Image for Peanut Popper Diddy Kong Rejoins Super Smash Bros in Latest Update

Are you a Diddy Kong player - If so, how should he be tweaked for this release?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

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Wish it was Dixie Kong instead.

Marzy said:
Wish it was Dixie Kong instead.
So much this. Best Kong ever.

Marzy said:
Wish it was Dixie Kong instead.

I've always felt like they should have at least 4 characters from each franchise where its possible. 

I think Fox, Falco, Peppy and Wolf could be different characters just like Donkey, Diddy, Dixie and maybe Lanky Kong. 

I was worried at first when they said it would be a smaller roster but looks quite sizable.

I bet Yoshi will be announced when Yarn Yoshi pumps up its campaign. Although i am starting to get a little worried about Captain Falcon...Smilie

I'd imagine the mainstays since the original game are a given. So Falcon, Jiggly, Ness etc would all be in, I reckon.

Hope there is some sort of Yarn Yoshi skin for him...and I hope Zelda and Link get Skyward skins (TP skins again was really disappointing).

Azuardo said:
I'd imagine the mainstays since the original game are a given. So Falcon, Jiggly, Ness etc would all be in, I reckon.

Hope there is some sort of Yarn Yoshi skin for him...and I hope Zelda and Link get Skyward skins (TP skins again was really disappointing).

I'd like to hope so, although i could live without Jiggles. 

How about ALBW's Link? Maybe they could have costume specific characters per console. 

Its good to see Diddy in though as i liked him in Brawl.

Closest we got to a classic Link style was one of Toon's alts.

Image for

Second from right.

Actual new skins with the different hair and designs would be great, but just can't see such a thing happening, unfortunately.

The TP Zelda & Link in this one has really irked me for some reason, though. Just seems so lazy. I wonder what sort of Link will appear in the new Zelda on Wii U, since his design is obviously not going to be in SSB4. I wish it was either SS Link or the new one in this game.

Flynnie said:

I was worried at first when they said it would be a smaller roster but looks quite sizable.

No-one but people from neogaf said that, Sakurai said that the number of characters might be restricted because of the 3DS cart size, but from what I gather the roster will be bigger than Brawl.

On topic, I didn't really like using Diddy Kong, but nice to see some differences in him in comparison to his Brawl iteration.

( Edited 22.02.2014 20:22 by Stulaw )

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I didn't like Diddy initially, but he really did grow on me - in particular his "dick on face" attack and those pesky bananas. Have won a few decent 1 on 1s using him because he appears so unpredictable.

Dixie would be awesome - more females and potential for some unique moves too.

Wolf - no thanks. Absolute waste of a character.

Ganondorf should be made different this time round, perhaps a bit floaty with a sword (more akin to OOT Ganondorf)

Lanky - hmm, is there some sort of restriction on using lanky?

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Surely some Xenoblade character will make it in there with the launch of X, i wonder if Bayonetta would make it in. Doesn't really deserve too, but i could see it happening. 

JB are you thinking that Lanky can't get in because of it being a RARE asset or more because his reach on his moves would just be so annoying!?

What's your opinion on the lack of story mode? I thought the story mode on the Wii version was great. I am wondering now whether there is enough here to warrant the purchase.

I'd say the likes of Dixie, K. Rool, and Cranky still have a slight chance, though I don't expect the roster will be much bigger than Brawl's.

When people think Donkey Kong, they think Donkey Kong and Diddy, Diddy is the de-facto secondary protagonist and was the first non-DK DK character to appear in Mario games too, so even if I too am not a fan of him I can't say I ever expected another Kong over him.

Fingers crossed that another Kong or Kremling still has a chance of joining the fight.

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I like Diddy, but the reason I put "instead" was because I don't expect them to put Dixie Kong in the roster and I'd rather have Dixie over DK or Diddy. She the best Kong. Smilie

( Edited 24.02.2014 23:25 by Marzy )

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