HTML5 Shooter XType Plus Blasting onto Wii U eShop

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.02.2014

HTML5 Shooter XType Plus Blasting onto Wii U eShop on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

XType Plus, an an HTML5 based arcade shooter, will launch on the Wii U eShop later this year.

The game can already be played in compatible browsers on the development website, and also on iOS and Android devices. However the project is also heading to Wii U, with creator Dominic Szablewski recently announcing a plugin for his Impact Engine to export projects to Nintendo's home console.

The Wii U version will feature a new "Plus Mode", according to an interview with Szablewski, plus variations in weapons and time-driven levels rather than limited by lives. There'll also be online leaderboards that also include a recording of how players tackled the game, for those wanting to learn the ropes or watch a fellow player "totally owning the game."

Image for HTML5 Shooter XType Plus Blasting onto Wii U eShop

Will you tackle the expanded XType on Wii U?

Box art for XType Plus








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