Uchikoshi Admits A Lack of Funding for Zero Escape 3 Sequel

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.02.2014

Uchikoshi Admits A Lack of Funding for Zero Escape 3 Sequel on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The director of 999 and Virtue's Last Reward has highlighted a lack of resources to develop a third game in the series.

Kotaro Uchikoshi, known for his work in the Zero Escape series with 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors and Virtue's Last Reward took too Twitter today to discuss a new entry in the franchise. Putting it bluntly, Uchikoshi noted how the previous games are "in the red", taking a bite at publishers stating that "companies exist for profit-making purposes", with the third game being difficult to realise due to lacklustre sales of the first two.

He went on to urge fans to put a possible investor or publisher in touch, with Kickstarter "not persuasive enough". That said, Uchikoshi is confident that "Zero Escape 3 will definitely be released somehow, someday" and would "appreciate it if you could wait until then", he concluded.

Have you played the previous Zero Escape titles? If so, would you like to see a sequel?

Box art for Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward
Also known as

Extreme Escape Adventure: Good People Die


Spike Chunsoft


Rising Star





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