Inafune Considering Mighty No. 9 Film, Anime and Manga

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.02.2014

Inafune Considering Mighty No. 9 Film, Anime and Manga on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The man behind Mighty No. 9, Keiji Inafune, is keen to take crowd-funded franchise beyond video gaming into films and manga.

In an interview with the game's creator and project lead, Inafune confirmed talks are in place with film studio Contradiction about making a live-action movie, expanding the story - "I'd rather they see how much there is to Mighty No. 9 and then play on that and make the story even deeper by using many different parts of this big universe we've created," he said.

Comparing the storyline to Mega Man, Inafune feels that it's a "lot bigger" this time round, and that "with just one game we won't be able to go over all of these things", with a movie potentially outlining "a different part of the huge picture, huge story."

Alongside feature films, he also noted how he'd "like there to be a comic book, manga, anime, movie, TV drama series. Any possibility you can think of."

Do you think Mighty No. 9 could work as a feature film, animé or manga?

Box art for Mighty No. 9





2D Platformer



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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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