The Adventures of Bit 'n' Ravh has Wii U Stretch Goal

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.02.2014 1

The Adventures of Bit

Indie developer Guilherme Vargas has added a Wii U stretch goal to the The Adventures of Bit 'n' Ravh on Kickstarter.

The side-scrolling adventure is currently seeking $35,000 in funding as its initial goal, and recently included support for Wii U if the campaign steps over the $75,000 mark. If successful, creator Vargas will be expanding development with additional programmers required to bring the concept to life on Nintendo's console.


Taking a cue from the past platformers from the 80s and 90s, the concept revolves around helping a caveman known as Bit, who encounters an alien creature Ravh. Together the pair set out to try and help the alien return home, combining abilities to overcome obstacles and solve puzzles along the way.


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This looks really interesting =)

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