Nintendo of Canada Teasing Mystery Box

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.02.2014 6

Nintendo of Canada Teasing Mystery Box on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo of Canada have started to tease a mystery box in a series of videos and photos.

Earlier this week the company's Official Facebook Page started to unearth what looks like a crate or box found in the  "Canadian wilderness", with more and more images to be posted during the rest of the week. Fans have speculated that it's more than likely related to the upcoming release of Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, however.

Image for Nintendo of Canada Teasing Mystery Box

What do you think's in the big Canadian box?

Box art for Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze





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A crate... in freezing weather... oh boy it's so hard to guess! Smilie

Pizzashapes (guest) 04.02.2014#2

Ice climbers!!! 

Narxok (guest) 04.02.2014#3

Heh. Undoubtedly Donkey Kong. People who are thinking otherwise should get a reality check.

Donkey Kong has become the symbol of disappointment for the Nintendo fandom. Mainly because of Retro's "super secret" project being overhyped for E3. Could it be Metroid, Star Fox, or maybe even an old IP being revived? Nope! Another platformer! 

Also the VGA announcement that was being hyped up turned out to be Donkey Kong again. Hilarious stuff. You could just hear the fans screaming "KOOOOOOOOOOONG!!!" 

Nintendo has turned into a master troll. Best thing to do is to never get hyped.

Narxok (guest) said:
Donkey Kong has become the symbol of disappointment for the Nintendo fandom. Mainly because of Retro's "super secret" project being overhyped for E3. Could it be Metroid, Star Fox, or maybe even an old IP being revived? Nope! Another platformer!

Say what?

Who was hyping this? It wasn't Nintendo. Why is a new Donkey Kong game worth any less than a new Metroid game? Donkey Kong Country Returns was one of the best platformers in years and Tropical Freeze, based on early previews, is looking to be even better.

Narxok (guest) said:
Also the VGA announcement that was being hyped up turned out to be Donkey Kong again.
All the hype was because of Spike, not Nintendo. Nintendo barely promoted their VGX appearance and their few mentions of it were things like this on Twitter:
"Tune in to #VGX today for a segment with Reggie highlighting a previously announced #WiiU game!"

Darkflame (guest) 05.02.2014#5

" Why is a new Donkey Kong game worth any less than a new Metroid game?"

We have plenty of quality platformers already.

I have insider information that it's....


A spin-off game about that frozen Goron from Majora's Mask.


Here's an extract from the press release:

REDMOND, Wash.-(BUSINESS WIRE)- Nintendo of America have confirmed the launch of Frozen Ice Dude, a spin-off game from The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask for Android and Apple iOS devices. Control a freezing Goron who needs to survive with help from player's. Using in-app purchases, feed the Goron nutrients. Rub him for good measure.

The launch of the game co-insides with the mass number of Majora's Mask clues scattered about during 2013.

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