Ubisoft Decline Commenting on Watch Dogs for Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.02.2014 10

Ubisoft Decline Commenting on Watch Dogs for Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

More rumours from the possible cancellation of Watch Dogs on Wii U have surfaced after Ubisoft have declined commenting on the project.

The game failed to appear on Nintendo's 2014 release schedule this week, after the company posted a list of key first and third party games on Wii U and 3DS this year. Other Ubisoft-published games, including Child of Light, remain on the list, but for the first time since the Watch Dogs Wii U announcement, the game has failed to appear.

VideoGamer popped over a message to Ubisoft, who chose not to confirm whether or not Watch Dogs is still on track for a Wii U release.

Are you still eager for a release of Watch Dogs on Wii U?

Box art for Watch Dogs

Ubisoft Bucharest







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Our member of the week

Dang, was so looking forward to it too!! I sure hope it's not cancelled. Not gonna buy it on any other hardware anyway Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Im sure it'll be cancelled, which is just as well, the last thing anybody wants is Wii U software releases. Phew! Nearly had a Wii U game to play, that was close!

Sigh... wow.

my bet is Nintendo is in talks with ubisoft to try not let a cancelation happen. This was the game everyone noticed would be amazing for the Wii U, if this gets canceled, it could be the last nail in it's coffin.

( Edited 01.02.2014 16:33 by welshwuff )

This is the one game that's been getting people excited, even for WiiU. Such a dick move from Ubisoft to wait this long before giving the finger to WiiU owners.

I think it's probably 100% likely that it's cancelled now. The signs are all there. Ubisoft are probably headed the way of EA as in jumping ship before it's even left the dock...

Pre-order this game if you haven't already!

I usually just pick up my games when they launch, but I think with third parties now (especially this one) it's important to get an order in early to get numbers up.

I pre-ordered mine yesterday.

( Edited 01.02.2014 18:50 by Sonic_13 )

Buzzbuzz (guest) 01.02.2014#7

I have doubt's that it's been canceled. It doesn't make sense to take a bunch of time, money, and resources and then cancel the project, especially after praising the GamePad as a good fit. Hold out until official word before sighing in defeat. Smilie

I have this pre - ordered so Ubi BETTER deliver. It's nice to play in a big open world WITHOUT being forced to play as an asshole thug.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Huge blow to Nintendo if it indeed does get cancelled.

They will only have themselves to blame for poor sales.

irfy said:
Huge blow to Nintendo if it indeed does get cancelled.

They will only have themselves to blame for poor sales

Not necessarily, an ignorant fan base of the other 2 consoles that stayed on the fence too long or flat out refused to support Nintendo are also to blame.

( Edited 06.02.2014 01:58 by Vorash Kadan )

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

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