Conception II to be Released as a Digital-Only Title in Europe

By Az Elias 30.01.2014

Conception II to be Released as a Digital-Only Title in Europe on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Atlus will be bringing Spike Chunsoft's RPG, Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars, to the Nintendo 3DS as a digital-only title in Europe in the second quarter of 2014.

As "God's Gift", players in Conception II are blessed with incredible powers, and he and his classmates are the only ones who can enter the monster-filled labyrinths of the Dusk Circles, and destroy the evil within. The main character's powers allow him to create Star Children, but only by forming relationships with the game's heroines. This way, players can breed an army of Star Children that are stronger and faster, and have elemental powers. Relationships must be managed well to create the best armies, where they will fight in battles that put positioning, attack chains and combos as necessities to survive.

Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars will be releasing on the Nintendo 3DS and PS Vita on April 15th in North America, and in Q2 2014 in Europe.

Box art for Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars








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