Mario Kart 8 Powerslides onto Wii U this May

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.01.2014 7

Mario Kart 8 Powerslides onto Wii U this May on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo confirmed various released dates in the company's financial results briefing today, including Mario Kart 8.

Set your racing calendars folks. Drop, everything. Nintendo boss Satoru Iwata felt the need to highlight the release of the much anticipated launch of Mario Kart 8 on the Wii U. Previously slated as a Spring 2014 affair, the game will be "released globally in May", he confirmed this morning.

"To create huge momentum, we would like to ensure that the release of titles such as Mario Kart 8 is not a one-off event," Iwata highlighted.

Will you leap into the racing scene once again this May on Wii U? Could it be too late a release for Wii U?

Box art for Mario Kart 8








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So pumped! Can't wait!

This is the game tipping me over the edge to purchase a Wii U. Just wish they would lower the price to £200 to include this game as a console bundle.

Darkflame (guest) 30.01.2014#3

Another marginal plus point for me.
Still probably not going to get a WiiU yet though - need some action-adventures, rpgs or , well some genra with some exploring! 

cafc4eva said:
This is the game tipping me over the edge to purchase a Wii U. Just wish they would lower the price to £200 to include this game as a console bundle.

It was £179 last week! Should have got it then!

Mario Kart is a game that the Wii U needs desperately! It will be a good pre-summer release! Hopefully it will be higher in the chart than FIFA World Cup 2014 as well!

Darkflame (guest) said:
Another marginal plus point for me.
Still probably not going to get a WiiU yet though - need some action-adventures, rpgs or , well some genra with some exploring! 

Theres always your surroundings Smilie

I need nintendo to really sell this to me. I am close to taking the plunge and getting the Wii U, i just need a really good reason to do it. This could be it.

cafc4eva, I agree 100%, if Nintendo did this I would be so much more likely to get MK8 and the WiiU

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