Muteki Corp Bringing Dragon Fantasy to 3DS eShop

By Javier Jimenez 28.01.2014

Muteki Corp Bringing Dragon Fantasy to 3DS eShop on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Have enough 3DS RPGs? Of course not. So today there's good news because in an interview with nintendoeverything, Muteki Corporation revealed that it is bringing its Dragon Fantasy games to Nintendo's 3DS eShop.

Dragon Fantasy is heavily influenced by NES and SNES RPGs. That means plenty of turn-based battles, chiptunes both NES and SNES style (some really catchy tunes, actually), 8-bit sprites (in Book 1) and 16-bit sprites (in Book 2). They also make light of themselves with goofy humour, such as the names of characters. Expect to run into monsters with names like "Mr. Slicey", "Mr. Rock Monster", and "Mrs. Rock Monster".

Adam Rippon, the game's creative director, stated that Dragon Fantasy would be retooled for the 3DS' dual screens, including graphics spanning both screens, as well as 3D layers. Furthermore, Muteki went so far as to replace random battles with on screen monsters, for the not so hardcore. Even better, the on screen monsters can be changed back to random battles, for the old school among us.

Rippon went on to say his team has had nothing but good experiences developing on the 3DS and will keep the platform in mind with future development!

Sounds good to us!

Box art for Dragon Fantasy: The Volumes of Westeria

The Muteki Corporation


Choice Provisions


Turn Based RPG



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