Masuda Comments on Exp Share in Pokémon

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.01.2014 3

Masuda Comments on Exp Share in Pokémon on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Junichi Masuda has commented on the changes in gaining experience in the latest Pokémon games on 3DS, X and Y.

In the latest pair of Pokémon adventures, there's an optional tweak with the Exp. Share item that makes it relatively easier for trainers to train and raise their critters. Instead of having to continue switching out beasts in battle, those who don't participate still receive a portion of experience earned. There's even experience earned for catching wild Pokémon.

Speaking to GameInformer, director Masuda described the team's ambitions to see players "raising lots of Pokémon", which fed into the decision to shake up the way Exp. Share works. "Of course, we also made it so players could turn off the Exp. Share and still enjoy the game if they wanted to," he said.

To Exp. Share or not - how do you train your Pokémon?

Box art for Pokémon X and Y

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I love the new Exp.Share. I rarely get much time to play RPGs anymore so for me, it allows me to progress faster helping me keep interest.

Ifrit XXII said:
I love the new Exp.Share. I rarely get much time to play RPGs anymore so for me, it allows me to progress faster helping me keep interest.

Agreed! Was so much better and felt more rewarding - less time grinding and more time focused on finding and rasing new critters.

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Kingdom (guest) 31.01.2014#3

I hated it at first and it ruined pkmn x for me.

But I made peace with it and super training made up for it.

I hated super training at first too but I was wrong.

I don't know what to think really.

About the mega evolutions too.

If changes had to be made I would have made slightly different ones.

Don't know whether to blame myself or game freak for failing to enjoy x.

Its a bit of a philosophical conundrum, perhaps, if I don't enjoy myself it's my own fault.

God nose.

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