Yoshi's New Island Rolls into Europe on 14 March

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.01.2014


Nintendo UK has confirmed a release date for the adorable Yoshi's New Island for Nintendo 3DS this Spring.

Fans in Europe can flutter jump into the colourful new world; an extension of the classic Yoshi platforming series, as the popular green dinosaur sets out to help Baby Mario find his long lost brother. Yoshi's New Island is pitched as a sequel to the fan-favourite SNES outing Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, but set in a new location, the aptly named Egg Island.

Nintendo also confirmed that those who pre-order Yoshi's New Island can receive a handy Yoshi Egg Game Case to store copies of 3DS/DS games.

The game touches down in Europe on 14th March.

Will you join Baby Mario and Yoshi in their latest adventure?

Box art for Yoshi's New Island





2D Platformer



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