The original three Ace Attorney titles featuring Phoenix Wright will receive a 3DS bundle in Japan this year.
Starting life on the Game Boy Advance back in 2001, the series has seen numerous sequels, remakes and versions now on mobile and Wii. The first three, which in itself form a story arc of sorts, will be re-released on the Nintendo 3DS on 17th April.
It won't simply be a standard bundling of the DS editions, nor a full-remake, but will feature 3D stereoscopic elements in place. Interestingly enough, there'll also be an English language option for those with Japanese 3DS consoles craving a quick Phoenix Wright fix.
Fans who pre-order the bundle will receive a link to download artwork and arranged versions of popular tunes from the series. Any objections?
Capcom have yet to confirm whether the package will be released outside Japan.
Would you like to see a similar package in your region on 3DS?