New Harvest Moon 3DS Features Safari Mode, Pets

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.01.2014

New Harvest Moon 3DS Features Safari Mode, Pets on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The latest entry in the popular Harvest Moon series on Nintendo 3DS will let aspiring farmers develop an animal Safari.

A haven for wild animals, the Safari feature allows players to to let loose animals earned throughout the game into a more natural habitat. It's not just forest either, with the landscape spanning icebergs and mountains. It's here that these critters can be cared for, and local residents can pop round for a tour during the "Safari Festival".

For the more domesticated touch, there'll also be adorable dogs, cats and horses as pets, with players able to form a bond with their newfound friends through walks, catch and other farm activities.

What are your thoughts on the more animal-driven approach to Harvest Moon 3D: Linking the New World?

Box art for Story of Seasons
Also known as

Harvest Moon 3D: Linking the New World









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