WarioWare Assist Trophy for Smash Bros Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.01.2014 1

WarioWare Assist Trophy for Smash Bros Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Today's screenshot from the WIi U edition of Super Smash Bros. has revealed a new assist trophy for fans of WarioWare.

As a firm favourite of the series, Ashley is a young witch who embarks on adventures with an ickle devil known as Red. It's not certain what she'll do when called upon on the new Super Smash Bros. game, but Ashley's likely to sprinkle a dollop of magic into the battle proceedings.

Image for WarioWare Assist Trophy for Smash Bros Wii U

What are your thoughts on Ashley in an assisting role - should she have been playable?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Bandai Namco







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She'd have made a good regular character imo - some decent projectile moves, perhaps an up-B broomstick, some melee/close range attacks with that wand. Wasted opportunity imo.

Don't think these should be assists at all - unless they're too big to be a character - like Andross, nintendog etc.

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