Disney Magic Castle Sells Over Half a Million in Japan

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.01.2014

Disney Magic Castle Sells Over Half a Million in Japan on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Namco Bandai has announced solid sales for the company's multi-franchise crossover adventure on Nintendo 3DS, Disney Magic Castle: My Happy Life.

The 3DS game, which is heading to North America on April 11th, boasts numerous Disney favourites scattered about a bevy of traditional amusements, as players plant crops with Mickey, play mini-games with Aladdin and even manage a café within the Disney Magical World.

The localisation comes at no surprise as the game has stepped over the 500,000 mark in Japan, the publisher confirmed today. The figure includes both physical and digital releases.

Will you enter the world of Disney this Spring on 3DS?

Box art for Disney Magical World
Also known as

Disney Magic Castle: My Happy Life


Namco Bandai


Namco Bandai





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