3DS RPG Hero Bank Getting Anime Adaptation

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.01.2014

3DS RPG Hero Bank Getting Anime Adaptation on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

SEGA's upcoming 3DS RPG is getting its anime treatment with an adaptation set to air this April in Japan.

Like a fair-few gaming franchises, Hero Bank will be transformed into a series this spring. The show sticks to the game release, following the adventures of a young boy known as Kaito Gosho who, for some reason, ends up with a debt far greater than most his age: one billion Yen. In order to pay it all back, he enters the world of Hero Bank.

The game itself will launch on Nintendo 3DS on March 20th.

What are your thoughts on the Hero Bank concept?

Box art for Hero Bank





Turn Based RPG



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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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