SaGa, Final Fantasy Legend Anniversary Teased

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.01.2014 1

SaGa, Final Fantasy Legend Anniversary Teased on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles creator Akitoshi Kawazu recently discussed the SaGa series and Monster Hunter.

Speaking to 4Gamer, Kawazu first praised the success that Capcom have had with Monster Hunter 4, how he felt the game "showed me the true powers of the Nintendo 3DS", also praising the impact of smartphones as "a game system within smart devices".

On a side note, Kawazu noted how December 2014 will mark the 25th Anniversary of the popular Square franchise SaGa (known locally as Final Fantasy Legend / Romancing SaGa and SaGa Frontier) and that "we're making various preparations" and that Square Enix "will work on a well-timed announcement, so I believe you can look forward to that".

What elements of SaGa are you hoping for in 2013 - a remake or new game?

Box art for The Final Fantasy Legend





Turn Based RPG



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Our member of the week

Hoping for something that actually gets released in the west for one thing, haha ^^ !!

Any remake of one of the Super Famicom games never released in English would be nice for the 3DS. I'm not even getting my hopes up for anything pertaining to the Wii U though Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

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