Hamamura Comments on Wii U Ressurection

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.01.2014 20

Hamamura Comments on Wii U Ressurection on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Enterbrain president Hirokazu Hamamura shared his thoughts on whether the Wii U can bounce back after a troubled year.

As we venture into the early days of 2014, Nintendo have a fair bit to go to pitch the Nintendo Wii U as a contender for the new generation of gaming. 2013 had its fair share of highs through the release of stellar Wii U titles, but the resulting figures have showed uncertain times ahead.

Speaking to Mainichi Shinbun, he noted how "associating the growth of smartphones and the slump of the Wii U is difficult" and looked to the 3DS as a console that can succeed after a slow start. He wondered whether the Wii U could be "resurrected" and is calling Nintendo for "killer content" to be released, but acknowledges that developing for both 3DS and Wii U "is difficult".

Can Nintendo step back and make something of the Wii U in 2014?

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I wonder how much of his "developing for 3DS/WiiU is difficult" comment is true. Didn't Nintendo enable all kinds of PC development tools for Wii U? I thought that made it super easy to port games to the U.

Or maybe he just means that it takes more effort to create a good looking 3D game than a simple mobile app...

Jmanultra (guest) 03.01.2014#2

  There will be no resurrection. The U's time has come and gone. Consumers are flocking to the next gen systems from Microsoft and Sony,  and that's also where the third parties are going.

 The question is can Nintendo resurrect their console business period? I say that until they repair third party relations and make a real effort to draw in the core gamers, they will continue to find their marketshare shrinking.

Vigo the Carpathian (guest) 03.01.2014#3

Their proportion of the market is shrinking but that is purely down to competition from Sony and MS. Nintendo's market  capitalization is as big as it was when they ruled gaming 20 years ago. 

The Wii U (allegedly) outsold the Xbox one last week (worldwide) and that was the good side of Xmas. I've seen PS4 stock come and go but Xbox is available in any shop on the UK high street despite almost blanket media coverage and advertising. PS4 has no games so I can see a PS3 style slump approaching. Both will suffer some kind of sales slumps. I dread to think what kind of sales the Wii U will experience between January and Mario Kart but it's still too early to say it is dead, especially when it is currently the most sold console of this gen.

Vigo the Carpathian (guest) said:
Their proportion of the market is shrinking but that is purely down to competition from Sony and MS. Nintendo's market  capitalization is as big as it was when they ruled gaming 20 years ago. 

The Wii U (allegedly) outsold the Xbox one last week (worldwide) and that was the good side of Xmas. I've seen PS4 stock come and go but Xbox is available in any shop on the UK high street despite almost blanket media coverage and advertising. PS4 has no games so I can see a PS3 style slump approaching. Both will suffer some kind of sales slumps. I dread to think what kind of sales the Wii U will experience between January and Mario Kart but it's still too early to say it is dead, especially when it is currently the most sold console of this gen.

I though the PS4 sold more than the Wii U's annual sales on launch day.

I think we'd all be dreaming to see Nintendo pull this back, the PS4 is so much better value than the Wii U it is incredible. Normally Nintendo have a shot in the dark by being considerably cheaper, but in this case they are only really marginally cheaper. They poorly tried to win the "hardcore" auidience back but then didn't release the titles that Nintendo fans wanted (Fzero, Starfox and new IP's) instead we have just sleuths of Mario games, so much so that even the hardened Nintendo fan is probably suffering a bit of Mario fatigue!

I really wish this website could be more positive. Like the old nintendo magazines which didnt have pessimism and opinions from all kinds of random industry people who chime in to wonder if Nintendo can survive blabla...boring.
Do a collection of Nintendo art found around the web every week, nintendo remix songs, anything. Come on dudes...focus on the younger people maybe thats the best option. If you have fun playing games who wants to read 7 page reviews or "nintendo needs to pull itself together" posts? It feels the website is way too adult oriented with all the analysis and "industry news". Videogames should be all about fun, and so should the websites?
Sorry if I offend your hard work, I dont mean this personal. Smilie

Flynnie said:
Vigo the Carpathian (guest) said:
it is currently the most sold console of this gen.
I though the PS4 sold more than the Wii U's annual sales on launch day.
I believe you're both correct as you're talking about two different things: lifetime sales vs. annual sales.

Flynnie said:
I think we'd all be dreaming to see Nintendo pull this back.
Not really sure what you mean by this...

Flynnie said:
the PS4 is so much better value than the Wii U it is incredible.
Value is a matter of opinion, not fact. To some people PS4 will be the better value. To others Wii U is. It all depends on what games you want to play, what games are out, what games are coming out, what features your system has, system cost, and what you want to do with your system.

I've got a WiiU and my partner a PS4. Both sit lovingly together. To me, the PS4 is quite disappointing for a "true" next gen machine. Even once we start seeing games take full advantage of the PS4's power, it's still not gonna be a massive leap from the PS3, at least not compared to previous gen-leaps plus we now need a paid service to access online multiplayer.

The WiiU to me, is a much bigger leap. Miiverse and the gamepad are the biggest leaps I've seen for this gen. Sure the share feature of PS4 is nice but it just doesn't make you feel like a bigger community as well as Miiverse does with the Miis, and the gamepad I think really does have the potential to enhance certain games as shown in Deus Ex and ZombieU.

Plus the back-gen compatibility and free online multiplayer sure is nice. Smilie The only problem with WiiU is the small userbase for games like Call of Duty. Smilie

Flynnie said:
Vigo the Carpathian (guest) said:
Their proportion of the market is shrinking but that is purely down to competition from Sony and MS. Nintendo's market  capitalization is as big as it was when they ruled gaming 20 years ago. 

The Wii U (allegedly) outsold the Xbox one last week (worldwide) and that was the good side of Xmas. I've seen PS4 stock come and go but Xbox is available in any shop on the UK high street despite almost blanket media coverage and advertising. PS4 has no games so I can see a PS3 style slump approaching. Both will suffer some kind of sales slumps. I dread to think what kind of sales the Wii U will experience between January and Mario Kart but it's still too early to say it is dead, especially when it is currently the most sold console of this gen.

I though the PS4 sold more than the Wii U's annual sales on launch day.

I think we'd all be dreaming to see Nintendo pull this back, the PS4 is so much better value than the Wii U it is incredible. Normally Nintendo have a shot in the dark by being considerably cheaper, but in this case they are only really marginally cheaper. They poorly tried to win the "hardcore" auidience back but then didn't release the titles that Nintendo fans wanted (Fzero, Starfox and new IP's) instead we have just sleuths of Mario games, so much so that even the hardened Nintendo fan is probably suffering a bit of Mario fatigue!

To be fair the likes of F-Zero aren't big sellers, and they did release Pikmin 3!

Jman (guest) 06.01.2014#9

Vigo the Carpathian (guest) said:
Their proportion of the market is shrinking but that is purely down to competition from Sony and MS. Nintendo's market capitalization is as big as it was when they ruled gaming 20 years ago.

The Wii U (allegedly) outsold the Xbox one last week (worldwide) and that was the good side of Xmas.

 The Xbox One has already sold 3 million units as of the end of 2013. The PS4 most likely tops that. These are of course worldwide numbers, despite PS4 not even launching in Japan yet. Wii U despite having a year head start will be surpassed by spring. It's getting steamrolled, and not even Mariokart and Smash Brothers will help beyond a brief sales bump.


Jman (guest) said:
The Xbox One has already sold 3 million units as of the end of 2013. The PS4 most likely tops that. These are of course worldwide numbers, despite PS4 not even launching in Japan yet. Wii U despite having a year head start will be surpassed by spring. It's getting steamrolled, and not even Mariokart and Smash Brothers will help beyond a brief sales bump. 

Is 3 million units between launch and the end of 2013 supposed to be impressive? (Obviously its a huge number, so congrats to them on a successful launch, but since we're comparing systems...) We'll have to wait to hear exact numbers, but as of right now that means Wii U sold better than the Xbox One in the same mid-Nov to Dec launch window. While we don't know numbers yet, its been regularly reported that the PS4 has been selling better. That would mean the Xbox One had the lowest launch total of the big three.**

We don't know US sales yet, but Wii U has been selling fantastically this holiday in Japan.

**Launch totals don't reflect future sales / some systems launched in some countries but not others / other disclaimers that don't mean anything when talking with random guests that come to the site to trash talk Nintendo

( Edited 07.01.2014 01:02 by Sonic_13 )

dynosore (guest) 07.01.2014#11

Sonic_13 said:
Jman (guest) said:
The Xbox One has already sold 3 million units as of the end of 2013. The PS4 most likely tops that. These are of course worldwide numbers, despite PS4 not even launching in Japan yet. Wii U despite having a year head start will be surpassed by spring. It's getting steamrolled, and not even Mariokart and Smash Brothers will help beyond a brief sales bump. 

Is 3 million units between launch and the end of 2013 supposed to be impressive? (Obviously its a huge number, so congrats to them on a successful launch, but since we're comparing systems...) We'll have to wait to hear exact numbers, but as of right now that means Wii U sold better than the Xbox One in the same mid-Nov to Dec launch window. While we don't know numbers yet, its been regularly reported that the PS4 has been selling better. That would mean the Xbox One had the lowest launch total of the big three.**

We don't know US sales yet, but Wii U has been selling fantastically this holiday in Japan.

**Launch totals don't reflect future sales / some systems launched in some countries but not others / other disclaimers that don't mean anything when talking with random guests that come to the site to trash talk Nintendo

You can't just throw in a "disclaimer" like that and pretend it doesn't mean anything. Both of those points are very genuine (launching in only a certain number of countries and sales launch totals not reflecting longterm sales). How can you not point out the fact the XBO has only launched in 13 countries if you're directly comparing period sales?

Add in the fact that the XBO was at a distinct disadvantage in launching directly at the same time as the PS4, and the fact that both of those consoles are competing against games/hardware from the 360 and PS3, which are all still selling consistently. I'd say that given the circumstances, the XBO has sold decently well. Maybe it isn't impressive when directly comparing numbers, but taking everything into account, surely anyone (whether they like Nintendo or not) can see that it's a pretty decent number for MS. On the other hand, the WiiU also had decent launch sales. Not as good as Nintendo hoped, obviously, but it did alright nonetheless. Given that the WiiU had no other new systems to compete against, it could have done a lot better (and Nintendo thought so too, given that they had to slash their sales estimates afterwards).

A shame you had to throw that "disclaimer" in there though. I have my own personal reasons for not registering at websites (privacy and trust issues etc), but I like sites that let users like me converse with regulars. Please don't group all of us together like that and try to use it as a way block legitimate points.

And for the record, I love games on all systems and am a lifelong Nintendo gamer. If there are people that come here just to bash Nintendo then I'm sorry to hear that, but please don't just shut out all guests like that.

dynosore (guest) said:
Sonic_13 said:
Jman (guest) said:
The Xbox One has already sold 3 million units as of the end of 2013. The PS4 most likely tops that. These are of course worldwide numbers, despite PS4 not even launching in Japan yet. Wii U despite having a year head start will be surpassed by spring. It's getting steamrolled, and not even Mariokart and Smash Brothers will help beyond a brief sales bump. 

Is 3 million units between launch and the end of 2013 supposed to be impressive? (Obviously its a huge number, so congrats to them on a successful launch, but since we're comparing systems...) We'll have to wait to hear exact numbers, but as of right now that means Wii U sold better than the Xbox One in the same mid-Nov to Dec launch window. While we don't know numbers yet, its been regularly reported that the PS4 has been selling better. That would mean the Xbox One had the lowest launch total of the big three.**

We don't know US sales yet, but Wii U has been selling fantastically this holiday in Japan.

**Launch totals don't reflect future sales / some systems launched in some countries but not others / other disclaimers that don't mean anything when talking with random guests that come to the site to trash talk Nintendo

You can't just throw in a "disclaimer" like that and pretend it doesn't mean anything.

I don't think they mean nothing. I never said that. They are important in reality which is why I mentioned them in the first place. But the truth is that they don't mean anything to people on internet comment boards who come to either just talk down on Nintendo or praise their own system. They don't mean anything to people when debating about which system had the better launch. I'm happy to discuss them in more depth with any interested parties such as yourself (again why I mentioned them)

dynosore (guest) said:
Both of those points are very genuine (launching in only a certain number of countries and sales launch totals not reflecting longterm sales). How can you not point out the fact the XBO has only launched in 13 countries if you're directly comparing period sales?

I think that the launching "in just 13 countries" issue is more of an excuse than anything else when talking about sales. Sure, it would add some sales, but the Xbox One launched in the markets where it is going to get 90% of its sales already: North America, UK & western Europe, Australia/New Zealand, and Brazil (not sure how big of a market Brazil is, but Wii U didn't launch there until 2013 anyway). Japan is obviously the most notable country missing, but the Xbox and Xbox 360 performed abysmally there so there is no reason to expect otherwise for the Xbox One.

So really it pretty much is fair to compare launch sales of Wii U and Xbox One. However, the same cannot be said of the PS4 because it hasn't launched in Japan yet, a market where it actually will sell well (presumably).

Sonic_13 said:

I think that the launching "in just 13 countries" issue is more of an excuse than anything else when talking about sales. Sure, it would add some sales, but the Xbox One launched in the markets where it is going to get 90% of its sales already
Some of it seemed pretty random. It launched in Germany but not in Holland. I don't think it launched in the Scandinavian countries either. Sure, they're small countries, but together they could have added 1% to the sales. It looks like MS just couldn't bother with us, as if releasing a console is too much hassle.

Anyway, I'm surprised the XB1 did so well. And I hope Wii U sales will keep picking up like they have recently.

Add in the fact that the XBO was at a distinct disadvantage in launching directly at the same time as the PS4, and the fact that both of those consoles are competing against games/hardware from the 360 and PS3, which are all still selling consistently. I'd say that given the circumstances, the XBO has sold decently well.

To be fair the Wii U also was also competing against are competing against games/hardware from the 360 and PS3. Probably more so considering that they were a year younger at the time.
The basic conclusions appear to be:
-All 3 consoles had a decent launch.
-As a whole it appears to be PS4 > XBox 1 > Wii U in terms of sales potential.
-Wii U had a dreadful 6 months or so post launch, but it now recovering somewhat in at least some territories, which suggests that the console (thankfully!) won't be abandoned. 

Sonic_13 said:
Flynnie said:
Vigo the Carpathian (guest) said:
it is currently the most sold console of this gen.
I though the PS4 sold more than the Wii U's annual sales on launch day.
I believe you're both correct as you're talking about two different things: lifetime sales vs. annual sales.

Flynnie said:
I think we'd all be dreaming to see Nintendo pull this back.
Not really sure what you mean by this...

Flynnie said:
the PS4 is so much better value than the Wii U it is incredible.
Value is a matter of opinion, not fact. To some people PS4 will be the better value. To others Wii U is. It all depends on what games you want to play, what games are out, what games are coming out, what features your system has, system cost, and what you want to do with your system.

Well I am certain that it won't take long for lifetime sales to catch up. If it hasnt already.

Well the Wii U won't exactly be the runaway success as the Wii was. I doubt it will even match Gamecube sales and unlikely to be anywhere near the competitiors in a years time.

I still stand by the fact that the PS4 will be a better value games console but i do concede that you are right about the games, I am a Nintendo fan at the end of the day, I am quite disapointed that the Nintendo franchies i want to see aren't yet on the Wii U but i know they will coming next year. If anything i just feel a bit mugged off paying £350 for my Wii U when i could have got a PS4 for the same price. (Albeit without the games i got for the Wii U.)

As Cheesing It Up said Nintendo did release Pikmin 3 (eventually) and there are 2 good Mario games on the system but I am just craving a revival of other franchies such as Fzero, Waverace, 1080 and especially Starfox. I have a feeling that Metroid might start dissapearing now as well!

I do think that Smash and Mario Kart may make a difference if they turn out to be the games they are destined to be but to be honest I am a tad dissapointed with the Wii U. In contrast I was never disappointed with the N64, Gamecube or Wii. 

All disagreements aside, and whatever the sales of Nintendo consoles, hugely successful as the Wii 1, or not quite as successful as the Wii 2:

Forums all over the internet will be filled with complaints, explaining why Nintendo isn't catering to their needs. Blame it on a lack of 3rd party games. Blame it on an absence of nostalgia coloured wished revivals(which didn't help the gamecube either despite you lot proclaiming what amazing classics you think they are). Blame it on Nintendo not getting with the times, not incorporating DVD or BluRay playability, or a lack of testosterone games because 'those other gamers want that, not us!'...

...but maybe, just maybe, it's wiser to say that when your needs aren't being met...DROP SOME OF YOUR NEEDS. And satisfaction might come. And not just in games either you know.

Flynnie said:
Well I am certain that it won't take long for lifetime sales to catch up. If it hasnt already.
Wii U is still ahead of both systems. The PS4 could pass it sometime in the next few months. The Xbox One is a different story for now. We'll have to wait for official numbers later this month, but current estimates put Wii U around 5 million which is 2 million more the the X1. There have also been reports that Wii U was outselling Xbox One just before the holidays

Flynnie said:
I doubt it will even match Gamecube sales
If Wii U has sold 5 million by end of 2013 and assuming a 5 year life-span, Wii U only needs to sell a mere ~362,000 a month worldwide to pass Gamecube's sales.

Flynnie said:
I still stand by the fact that the PS4 will be a better value games console
You're of course welcome to stand by your opinion that PS4 is the better value.

Flynnie said:
I am a tad dissapointed with the Wii U. In contrast I was never disappointed with the N64, Gamecube or Wii. 
Never disappointed at any time? Wii U is still very young and we have years of great games ahead, both announce and unannounced.

( Edited 09.01.2014 03:34 by Sonic_13 )

Wii U is still ahead of both systems.

That's something we don't know at this point. Regardless of who's ahead, the fact that it's so close after the Wii U had a full 12 month head start speaks volumes. 

If Wii U has sold 5 million by end of 2013 and assuming a 5 year life-span, Wii U only needs to sell a mere ~362,000 a month worldwide to pass Gamecube's sales.

The fate of the Wii U is still not certain. You say a "mere" ~362,000 a month, but the fact is that for the first 3/4 of 2013 Nintendo shipped a total of about 860,000 consoles. That's worldwide by the way. That equates less than 100,000 a month, so selling nearly 4 times that amount consistently for the next 4 years is a huge ask. It's definitely doable considering the console appears to be recovering and the period in question didn't include Christmas, but Gamecube like sales or not even guaranteed at this point, nor is a 5 year life span. 

(See http://www.cubed3.com/topic/76276/1/wii-u-sales-analysis.html#.Us3KZZ5_sYM for a statistical analysis of Wii U sales before the Christmas period.)

( Edited 08.01.2014 22:14 by Cheesing it up )

I do think that Smash and Mario Kart may make a difference if they turn out to be the games they are destined to be but to be honest I am a tad dissapointed with the Wii U. In contrast I was never disappointed with the N64, Gamecube or Wii.

...that's a beautiful quote. It says everything about the complain culture (prevalent in the West mostly). Disappointment is your responsibility and your problem to fix, not anyone elses. Sorry but stop whining and find a solution. You're wasting your time.

Cheesing it up said:
Sonic_13 said:
Wii U is still ahead of both systems.
That's something we don't know at this point.

Actually we do know. We just don't know by how much exactly. Both Xbox One and PS4 announced their official numbers through the end of the year, so we know where they stand (~3.0 and 4.2 million). Last official numbers for Wii U were as of September 30, 2013 and stood at 3.91 million. That's only 300,000 consoles behind PS4's total. Japanese sales numbers are available on a weekly basis and if you add up the total between just Dec 2 and Dec 28, over 300,000 were sold. Obviously the total is even higher since this doesn't include October or November sales for Japan or October/November/December sales for North America, Europe, and the rest of the world. So it's definitely not in question that Wii U still has the largest user base right now.

Cheesing it up said:
Regardless of who's ahead, the fact that it's so close after the Wii U had a full 12 month head start speaks volumes.
 Speaks volumes about what exactly? Obviously it would have been great to build as big of a base as possible, but 2013's performance far from predicts how Wii U is ultimately going to do. What matters most is sustaining sales that Wii U has started doing. If good sales can be sustained then it shows that people want the system and will get third parties to think about brining their games to the system. It won't matter how the system did initially, especially during a period when Nintendo itself had development issues bringing games to the system. 2014 is the important year for Wii U. Nintendo game development is back on track. The other systems are out. There are a bunch of big titles coming out.

( Edited 09.01.2014 03:58 by Sonic_13 )

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