Dr. Luigi Coming to Wii U eShop in January

By Az Elias 18.12.2013 12

Dr. Luigi Coming to Wii U eShop in January on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Pushing the 'Year of Luigi' celebrations into 2014, Luigi is back and puts on his doctor's jacket for the first time in Dr. Luigi for Wii U eShop.

Unlike his older brother Mario's original puzzle version, this game features L-shaped pill blocks that create a new challenge on the original Dr. Mario formula, with the aim of the game again to eradicate the germs in a Tetris-like gameplay style.

As well as new skill settings and an attack mode in multiplayer, Dr. Luigi features GamePad compatibility, online play against friends and others around the world, the original Dr. Mario mode, and a Germ Buster mode that has been seen before in the Brain Training series on Nintendo DS.


Dr. Luigi will be released on 15th January, 2014.

Image for Dr. Luigi Coming to Wii U eShop in January
Image for Dr. Luigi Coming to Wii U eShop in January
Image for Dr. Luigi Coming to Wii U eShop in January

What are your thoughts on the Dr. Luigi concept?

Box art for Dr. Luigi








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This looks like a fun game but I was suprised not to see a 3ds version ? Being new to the 3ds world so maybe I am missing something.


ABSOLUTELY LOVED Dr. Mario Online Rx! It was one of my most played games. So excited that we're getting a Wii U version now!

Looking good! I'm glad they also included the classic mode. And online multiplayer. And touch controls. Smilie

love this game

As much as I liked Dr. Mario, I can't help but feel a bit cheated with this one. Seems like the WiiWare version with a new mode and remixed mode of the original Dr. Mario. It all looked pretty cool until they showed how much it would cost. £13.49? Really Nintendo?

Great that some people are excited for it, but this one left me with a sour taste in my mouth, definitely the lowest point in yesterday's Nintendo Direct for me.

Everything else looked pretty interesting though!

Ah yeah, I was also really baffled by the price. I would probably have gotten it if it had been €5. But €15 is crazy.

Canyarion said:
Ah yeah, I was also really baffled by the price. I would probably have gotten it if it had been €5. But €15 is crazy.
£5 or £6 seems pretty reasonable to me. Not sure what that equates to in Euros, but it's definitely a fair price when compared to almost £14. I also would pick it up if it was cheaper, as I loved Dr. Mario Germ Buster on WiiWare.

Considering how much I played Dr. Mario Online Rx $15 is a steal. The game is easily worth more than many $60 games to me.

Sonic_13 said:
Considering how much I played Dr. Mario Online Rx $15 is a steal. The game is easily worth more than many $60 games to me.
The only thing is that £13.49 doesn't come close to matching the US price of $15 at all. $15 is probably around £9, where as £13.49 is $20+, so you can probably see why those in UK/Europe feel that the price is a little too steep.

( Edited 19.12.2013 17:57 by Mush )

Mush said:
Sonic_13 said:
Considering how much I played Dr. Mario Online Rx $15 is a steal. The game is easily worth more than many $60 games to me.
The only thing is that £13.49 doesn't come close to matching the US price of $15 at all. $15 is probably around £9, where as £13.49 is $20+, so you can probably see why those in UK/Europe feel that the price is a little too steep.
You forget that US prices don't include taxes, while EU ones do.

Canyarion said:
Mush said:
Sonic_13 said:
Considering how much I played Dr. Mario Online Rx $15 is a steal. The game is easily worth more than many $60 games to me.
The only thing is that £13.49 doesn't come close to matching the US price of $15 at all. $15 is probably around £9, where as £13.49 is $20+, so you can probably see why those in UK/Europe feel that the price is a little too steep.
You forget that US prices don't include taxes, while EU ones do.
Ah yeah, I forgot the US display prices before tax. Seems really weird to me. Smilie

( Edited 19.12.2013 21:37 by Mush )

i suspect that it will still be available long after the year of luigi is done so ill probably pick it up when it will inevitably be on sale for the £7.99 it should cost. or better still give it to me at a super discounted rate because i own dr mario..... but untill then dr mario will do

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