Nintendo Direct 18/12 Will Cover Spring Wii U, 3DS Games

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.12.2013 12

Nintendo Direct 18/12 Will Cover Spring Wii U, 3DS Games on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A new Nintendo Direct broadcast will air on Wednesday 18th December, with a focus on 2014 Spring titles.

It's that time again folks, as the big bosses at Nintendo step into the presenting seats and divuldge the latest information straight from the home of Mario. The latest presentation will feature Wii U and Nintendo 3DS software that'll be available through Spring 2014.

The broadcast will kick off at 2PM GMT and hosted by Nintendo President Satoru Iwata and Nintendo of Europe President Satoru Shibata.

What titles are you most looking forward to seeing in the new Nintendo Direct?

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Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze
Mario Kart 8
Super Smash Bros.

Sonic_13 said:
Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze
Mario Kart 8
Super Smash Bros.

They're all games we know are coming, as much as I'm looking forward to seeing a polished ONLINE FRIENDLY Mario Kart 8, I really hope they throw a few surprises out there tomorrow, maybe show some Bayonetta 2 or a couple of new IP's, They could even go all out and announce a new F-Zero or Wave Racer .. *Wakes Up*

( Edited 17.12.2013 17:59 by Im_Neutral )

Hmm - am curious to see what they have on offer for 2014 really - needs to definitely kick off with some pure system sellers - MK8 is a must for before the end of the year, am thinking late January/early February for that one. Smash Bros I wouldn't mind waiting a little bit for, say May or something like that as was Melee. Tropical Freeze is a given really.

Needs another core system seller, perhaps a sports game - something, anything!

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jb said:
Hmm - am curious to see what they have on offer for 2014 really - needs to definitely kick off with some pure system sellers - MK8 is a must for before the end of the year, am thinking late January/early February for that one. Smash Bros I wouldn't mind waiting a little bit for, say May or something like that as was Melee. Tropical Freeze is a given really.

Needs another core system seller, perhaps a sports game - something, anything!

Super Mario 3D World was, Is a core system seller, and It failed, even though sales are up, not as much as should be expected. In my opinion they need to throw all their resources behind the Wii-U or go back to R&D and create a console that can compete.

February goes to Donkey Kong
April is Mario Kart 8

Smash Bros won't likely feature in this direct so I wonder what games will be featured January and March if anything?

Im_Neutral said:
They're all games we know are coming, as much as I'm looking forward to seeing a polished ONLINE FRIENDLY Mario Kart 8

What recent Mario Kart hasn't been online friendly?

Sonic_13 said:
Im_Neutral said:
They're all games we know are coming, as much as I'm looking forward to seeing a polished ONLINE FRIENDLY Mario Kart 8

What recent Mario Kart hasn't been online friendly?

Every single one except Mario Kart 7, which makes it the exception to the rule unfortunately and not the rule. It does seem like they've got to grips with it though.

( Edited 18.12.2013 02:35 by Im_Neutral )

Im_Neutral said:
Sonic_13 said:
Im_Neutral said:
They're all games we know are coming, as much as I'm looking forward to seeing a polished ONLINE FRIENDLY Mario Kart 8

What recent Mario Kart hasn't been online friendly?

Every single one except Mario Kart 7, which makes it the exception to the rule unfortunately and not the rule. It does seem like they've got to grips with it though.

What was/is wrong with Mario Kart Wii ? I just got done playing for 3 hours online and never had fewer than 8 racers at any given time.

I hope they show some Bayonetta 2 footage or maybe announce Bayonetta 1 is coming in January Smilie

I'm hoping for an update on Bayonetta 2 & to hear that devs aren't crying out against Nintendo anymore. I want my PLAYABLE Samus Aran in Dead or Alive, Castlevania Lords of Shadow & Dead Space Trilogy pack dammit!!

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Mike Clark said:
Im_Neutral said:
Sonic_13 said:
Im_Neutral said:
They're all games we know are coming, as much as I'm looking forward to seeing a polished ONLINE FRIENDLY Mario Kart 8

What recent Mario Kart hasn't been online friendly?

Every single one except Mario Kart 7, which makes it the exception to the rule unfortunately and not the rule. It does seem like they've got to grips with it though.

What was/is wrong with Mario Kart Wii ? I just got done playing for 3 hours online and never had fewer than 8 racers at any given time.

I'm not sure what was wrong with Mario Kart Wii either.
Even Mario Kart DS had solid online play.

So Neutral just wanted to try & find something to cry about only to realize there was no foundation to baemse his complaint on to begin with.......people do some straaaaaange things when they aren't thinking. And yes I agree with Sonic & Mike, while Mario Kart DS had initial issues making matches quickly & smoothly they fixed that problem later on & you can STILL find people online playing MK DS to this day. It's my favorite Mario Mart game to this day.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Vorash Kadan said:
So Neutral just wanted to try & find something to cry about only to realize there was no foundation to baemse his complaint on to begin with.......people do some straaaaaange things when they aren't thinking. And yes I agree with Sonic & Mike, while Mario Kart DS had initial issues making matches quickly & smoothly they fixed that problem later on & you can STILL find people online playing MK DS to this day. It's my favorite Mario Mart game to this day.

It's called an opinion. Explain to me where I "just wanted something to cry about" my initial statement was actually very positive, what's wrong with wanting an online friendly Mario Kart? It's only when asked to elaborate on my opinion which I did, did you perceive me to start "crying about It" when in actual fact after being asked to elaborate It's you who starts crying about my opinion.

Personally I think the only worthy Mario Kart online is Mario Kart 7, call me crazy but I prefer not to take part in MKDS because of the ridiculous amount of snaking and lag, MKWii online does work, but It's so unbalanced, It's probably the most unbalanced Mario Kart to date, If you want any chance of winning you have to avoid being in first place for 9/10th of the race, not being a bad player I dont like that but I suppose you could be right at home on this one and dont see the problem with the games.

Either way, It was my opinion, I was asked to elaborate and did, If I was "just after something to cry about" I'd have done it in my initial statement, but I didn't. I said I'm looking forward to an online friendly Mario Kart, I suppose I'd better stop crying now.

( Edited 18.12.2013 14:19 by Im_Neutral )

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