Extra Character Confirmed for Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.12.2013 11

Extra Character Confirmed for Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

An extra playable character has been confirmed for Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze.

SPOILERS: As previously speculated, there will be another simian taking the starring role in the upcoming Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze adventure on Wii U. The grandfather of gaming, the one and only Cranky Kong will be the forth playable character in the new outing.

During tonight's Spike VGX awards, Nintendo of America president stepped into the ring and confirmed what many fans had assumed would be the big Nintendo announcement of the evening. He also noted how the game will hit stores in the US on 21st February 2014 and support various controllers including Wii Remote, Nunchuck and Wii U Pro Controller.

What do you think of the revelations in new playable character in Tropical Freeze?

Box art for Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze





2D Platformer



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I still can't get excited for this game. Maybe I'm just desperate for another Metroid which, different from Donkey Kong, I think would benefit far more from the WiiU power and Gamepad features. :/

I think people would have more appreciated Mario Kart or Smash Bros footage rather than more Donkey Kong tonight.

Ifrit XXII said:
I think people would have more appreciated Mario Kart or Smash Bros footage rather than more Donkey Kong tonight.

I think CK is a great addition, but I agree, something like "Reggie Confirms Smash Bros. Appearance" would have been a better headline!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

VGX doesn't deserve a better announcement after the completely unprofessional way the two hosts acted towards Reggie.

It's hilarious how Cranky Kong is really trending on Twitter. Smilie

Yeah it was very rude how off topic they were getting with the questions. I get that they were trying to get some info for us but there's such thing as pushing too much especially when that Retro guy was clearly nervous.

( Edited 08.12.2013 00:43 by Ifrit XXII )

Yeah, Reggie is probably used to stuff like that but I feel bad for that guy from Retro. Joel was disrespectful to various other guests too, though. Very, very poor host.

Geoff in particular should know by now that if there's nothing more to announce Reggie isn't going to say a thing. He has annoyed Reggie during several interviews before, after all.

( Edited 08.12.2013 00:52 by SirLink )

Really looking forward to Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze. Loved DKCR - lots of fun and challenging.

I wonder how character selection will work. Will certain sidekicks only be available in certain levels or can you choose anyone in any level.

I do love how Reggie casually threatened to beat Geoff with a cane. I can't remember exactly when it was, but I'm almost positive this is not the first time Reggie has threatened Geoff with bodily harm. (I just wish he would follow through one day).

I think it's sad that a really solid and challenging platformer can't garner the same respect by so-called gamers that any generic shooter can. I think it's a sad reflection of the industry.

( Edited 08.12.2013 05:26 by Sonic_13 )

Sonic_13 said:
I do love how Reggie casually threatened to beat Geoff with a cane. I can't remember exactly when it was, but I'm almost positive this is not the first time Reggie has threatened Geoff with bodily harm. (I just wish he would follow through one day).

I think it's sad that a really solid and challenging platformer can't garner the same respect by so-called gamers that any generic shooter can. I think it's a sad reflection of the industry.

You could tell by Reggie's look that he was quite serious after all these idiotic questions. I do love how he deflected every single one of them like a pro without stooping to their low level, though.

I definitely agree with your last paragraph. It's crazy how DKC:TF stood out because they actually showed erm..what's it called..oh yeah, gameplay (along with one indie game I can't remember the name of)! So many other trailers were the same, generic hype trailers that showed 99% cutscenes. I kept watching after Reggie was there just to see if I could get a good look at some other upcoming games but that clearly didn't happen. It's pretty damn sad that the Cranky Kong reveal was actually a highlight of the entire show! Smilie Even after all the other announcements, Cranky Kong was still the only thing from the show trending high on Twitter even hours after it ended.

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Surprised no one has posted the video yet so here it is:

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I don't think it was particularly rude, at the end of the day the fans were expecting more. It's great with the additional character but hardly breaking news is it.

Flynnie said:
I don't think it was particularly rude, at the end of the day the fans were expecting more. It's great with the additional character but hardly breaking news is it.

You mean much like the rest of the show? If other studios had some great showings including Sony and Microsoft I'd agree with you but in this case they were just pushing Reggie for a big reveal so the VGX wouldn't be completely worthless.

SirLink said:
Flynnie said:
I don't think it was particularly rude, at the end of the day the fans were expecting more. It's great with the additional character but hardly breaking news is it.

You mean much like the rest of the show? If other studios had some great showings including Sony and Microsoft I'd agree with you but in this case they were just pushing Reggie for a big reveal so the VGX wouldn't be completely worthless.

That's one of the things that annoys me most. There weren't any big announcements from anyone. I haven't seen a single complaint about Sony or Microsoft not announcing anything. But when Nintendo doesn't announce anything major it seems like everyone has something to say about it.

At the end of the day though, it seems like the only thing people are talking about after the show is Cranky Kong and Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze...

( Edited 08.12.2013 21:59 by Sonic_13 )

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