Access Other Sites Using 3DS YouTube App

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.12.2013 13

Access Other Sites Using 3DS YouTube App on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The YouTube app on 3DS can be, by way of a sneaky link, used to access other sites in the app's mobile browser view.

It seems as if the 3DS implementation of YouTube may be variation on the mobile version of the video streaming site, simply enclosed within a browser wrapper. One user managed to poke deeper into the app's settings, unlocking the ability to search Google and view other sites - albeit in mobile view.

In order to do so:

  • The top left menu must be opened and a Google+ account logged in.
  • Click on Settings in the left menu.
  • Click on Email.
  • Click on Change on Google+
  • Click Download Google Chrome
  • At the bottom of the page that follows, click on Google to launch the mobile Google page.
Users have reported that other video sites may work, but popular services like DailyMotion and GameTrailers didn't load videos here at Cubed3 HQ.

Have you tried out the YouTube browser?

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The whole point of having a YouTube App on the 3DS would be for 3D Videos as they look 100% better on mobile. Until I can watch 3D vidoes theres simply no point in me using the app.

In my opinio Nintendo should allow more free apps for the 3Ds such as free games like Subway Surfers

The videos look horrendous, even when set to HQ, its just bad quality. One thing that disappoints me about the 3DS XL is the lack of high resolution on both screens.

irfy said:
The videos look horrendous, even when set to HQ, its just bad quality. One thing that disappoints me about the 3DS XL is the lack of high resolution on both screens.

Gutted, i haven't downloaded it yet but sounds like its not even worthwhile...

Our member of the week

irfy said:
The videos look horrendous, even when set to HQ, its just bad quality. One thing that disappoints me about the 3DS XL is the lack of high resolution on both screens.

Like I said the other day, if at least they had allowed for 360p max instead of 240p, cause unfortunately it's not just a question of resolution, it's also a question of compression. The compression on 240p videos is much more severe than on 360p in general on Youtube. In fact 240p is very much a relic of the very beginnings of Youtube. Allowing a 360p stream to be scaled down to fill the 400x240p upper screen would have an excellent choice and no doubt the PICA200 GPU inside the 3DS could handle it, it's a quite beefy little piece of tech!

( Edited 06.12.2013 20:21 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
Darkflame (guest) 07.12.2013#6

I think its bandwidth more then cpu they were thinking - certainly the gpu can handle way better. (I mean, Nintendo sends us 3D videos in higher res no problem).

Seems like they have been very lazy here - just some cut down browser probably going for lowest mobile stream (3gp? something like that, if you use a downloader like JDownload you can see youtube has quite a few streams and there relative filesizes).

Darkflame (guest) 07.12.2013#7

 Ok, according to some random sites its;

Chrome version 9.0.597

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (en-us) AppleWebKit/534.14 (KHTML, like Gecko; Google Wireless Transcoder) 

Nylora (guest) 05.02.2015#8

Actually you can't download Google Chrome. If you try a bunch of letters and numbers pop up and then it resets the 3DS. I have already tried it several times and do not recomend it.

The article is over a year old, Nintendo probably patched it in this time. 

Our member of the week

And besides it's not about installing chrome on the system, of course you can't, it's about pushing the software to redirect you to a page from which you may visit other webpages, through the page that invites you to download Chrome, including other video hosting sites. I tried it personally but yeah, it tends to make the youtube app crash, not to mention the fact that it's awfully slow. Now that the New 3DS is coming out with a better web browser that supports HTML5 video, you won't need to use that anymore if you purchase the new console anyway.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

It also works very well on the new 3DS Smilie

Ryan (guest) 05.04.2016#12

I think its good but it doesnt work on my 2DS for whatever reason, and I am signed in

Our member of the week

Ryan (guest) said:
I think its good but it doesnt work on my 2DS for whatever reason, and I am signed in

This is old news In all likelihood this had been patched since. I remember I could do it on my original 3DS at the time and it would somewhat load dailymotion videos but it was extremely buggy anyway.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

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