Reggie to Reveal New Wii U Footage of Upcoming Title at VGX 2013

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.12.2013 14

Reggie to Reveal New Wii U Footage of Upcoming Title at VGX 2013 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The event organisers behind the upcoming Spike VGX 2013 awards have confirmed that an upcoming Wii U game will be shown.

It was known that Nintendo president Reggie Fils-Aime would be making an appearance at the show this year, but now more specifically that he'll be "presenting a new look at an upcoming Wii U game". It isn't quite clear whether it would be the first glimpse at a brand new title, or something already announced.

Fans have been speculating that more footage from either Mario Kart 8 or Super Smash Bros. Wii U would be shown.

VGX 2013 will air on Saturday 7th December.

What are you hoping Nintendo will show during VGX 2013?

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It will have to be Smash! Surely! If they are to try and steal some spotlight back it will have to be something big...

Don't show something like Wii Fit U Plus....for the love of god...

It'll probably be bloody Donkey Kong.

It's too early for "Wii Fit U Plus"... and Wii Fit U isn't "upcoming." Smilie

I hope it's not Donkey Kong Country: When Hell Freezes Over, that game gets way too much undeserved attention.
It better be MK8, SSB, X or a new game.

I'd love to see more of Mario Kart 8, it's been a while since we've seen any new content in that game (just E3 stuff).

Meh, people will hate on anything they show anyway unless they reveal the new Zelda and it's dark and gritty. Smilie

Hoping for footage of something new or:
- Super Smash Bros.
- Mario Kart 8
- Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
- X

( Edited 04.12.2013 17:45 by Sonic_13 )


Ifrit XXII said:
It'll probably be bloody Donkey Kong.

But most likely...i actually forgot about this...

I call Star Wars: Rogue Squadron Trilogy HD exclusively for Wii U with full online 64-player versus/co-op, stunning HD graphics, greatly expanded roster of ships/vehicles spanning the entire saga, Clone Wars, & EU, new game modes and features, as well as new gameplay and controls!!! SmilieSmilieSmilieSmilie

You heard it here first, folks. GET HYPED! Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Agul said:
I call Star Wars: Rogue Squadron Trilogy HD exclusively for Wii U with full online 64-player versus/co-op, stunning HD graphics, greatly expanded roster of ships/vehicles spanning the entire saga, Clone Wars, & EU, new game modes and features, as well as new gameplay and controls!!! SmilieSmilieSmilieSmilie

You heard it here first, folks. GET HYPED! Smilie

I would love a new Rogue Squadron game but unfortunately EA has the Star Wars license for the next 10 years and EA hates Nintendo.

Sonic_13 said:
Agul said:
I call Star Wars: Rogue Squadron Trilogy HD exclusively for Wii U with full online 64-player versus/co-op, stunning HD graphics, greatly expanded roster of ships/vehicles spanning the entire saga, Clone Wars, & EU, new game modes and features, as well as new gameplay and controls!!! SmilieSmilieSmilieSmilie

You heard it here first, folks. GET HYPED! Smilie

I would love a new Rogue Squadron game but unfortunately EA has the Star Wars license for the next 10 years and EA hates Nintendo.

NOOOO!!!! You're killing the dream! Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.

This could actually turn out to be Zelda for Wii U. Smilie

Other games it could be, Yoshi Yarn! We haven't seen that in nearly a year and it wasn't at E3. It could also be X.

midna78 (guest) 06.12.2013#12

Zelda U. It has been promised enough.

Wii Fit Music U Plus!!!!! Cannyyy wait!!!

Not but seriously, I do think they will show a teaser to the next Legend of Zelda.

Whatever it is, everybody can at least look at Reginald giving a piercing stare, connecting and disconnecting his hands, and talking a lot of hyperbole, while the people watching the presentation would be more happy just being shown a cool extended trailer explained by the actual game developers.

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