Vote | Best Graphics in a 2013 Video Game - Cubed3 Awards

By Jorge Ba-oh 02.12.2013 9

Image for Vote | Best Graphics in a 2013 Video Game - Cubed3 Awards

The first of this year's Cubed3 Awards polls is for Best Graphics in a 2013 Video Game. Whether it's an intricately detailed, textured-heavy photorealistic masterpiece or a charming 2D cartoon design, there have been a number of gorgeous looking games released on Nintendo platforms this year.

From the sublime, harsh realities of Call of Duty: Ghosts and Deus Ex: Human Revolution to the quirky Luigi's Mansion 2 and Rayman Legends, both TVs and handhelds have been brimming with stunning game worlds and liquid smooth animation.

It's time to have your say - which of these 2013 games has the best graphics overall in your opinion: the look, the art style, the design.


Voting ends 4th December 2013

Voting has now closed - for more awards polls and when to vote, click here.

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Looking at the results I'm surprised but they're mostly what I expected. Yes to Super Mario, Top of the flag pole again! But Pokemon X and Y, y u no better graphically?

( Edited 02.12.2013 18:52 by georg3 )

This is a tough category! LOZ:WW HD, Super Mario 3D World, Rayman and Luigi's Mansion all look great. But i have to say that the artwork in Fire Emblem is sublime so that gets my vote!

Need for Speed also looked pretty sweet but well i just don't think EA deserve any Ninty Kudos!

I went to the store on Friday to check out the XB1 and PS4, and I can honestly say that I was underwhelmed with the graphics. They looked okay, but not much different than the good looking games of last gen. What surprised me though was that The Wind Waker HD actually looked much MUCH more impressive than any of the demos on the XB1 or PS4. I know the art style plays into this, but it really looked much smoother, and prettier than the demos on the other systems. (They were all together so I was able to compare directly) 

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.
A Mad Gamer (guest) 03.12.2013#4

This poll is unbalanced because of the lack of categories.  You are putting hand-held games in with console games which have considerably more strength of graphics.  

cyrus (guest) 03.12.2013#5

even though a handheld game is kicking the ass of all the console games.

Uhhhhh...where the hell did all the X&Y votes come in? Do you even have that many registered active members at the moment?

I can see the issues with portable / console games being mixed in, particularly in the graphics category

We can address this for the next awards, and there are also separate categories coming up in the next few days Smilie

Flynnie said:
Uhhhhh...where the hell did all the X&Y votes come in? Do you even have that many registered active members at the moment?

Guests can vote, apparently been shared around quite a few Pokemon blogs, plus director Masuda retweeted it Smilie

( Edited 04.12.2013 01:57 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said

Flynnie said:
Uhhhhh...where the hell did all the X&Y votes come in? Do you even have that many registered active members at the moment?

Guests can vote, apparently been shared around quite a few Pokemon blogs, plus director Masuda retweeted it Smilie

Ohh i see, well its not as if the graphics are bad and they are a massive leap from previous gens but for me personally it deserves to be toward the bottom of that pile!

Yeeeeeeaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh! X and Y again top of the voting poll! Seriously both of the new Pokemon games are a huge graphical overhaul from the older games and deserve the recognition for it.

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