Bayonetta Fans Rally for Wii U Re-Release

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.11.2013 6

Bayonetta Fans Rally for Wii U Re-Release on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A group of Bayonetta fans are keen to see the original title re-released on Nintendo Wii U.

The sequel, Bayonetta 2, is in the works for the Wii U as an exclusive from Platinum Games. However fans, especially those committed to Nintendo systems, may have not played the first game. So in a bid to persuade Nintendo to give the go-ahead, producer Hideki Kamiya states that it would be possible to port the original title and that he hopes it would happen.

A campaign has started on NeoGAF with a set of Tweets and Hashtags to give Nintendo a nudge, plus posts on Miiverse to give a "yeah" to.

Would you buy the original Bayonetta if re-released on Wii U?

Box art for Bayonetta 2








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The original Bayonetta on Wii U? YES PLEASE!!! Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.

i would buy it

They have my support, I'll even make multiple fake NNIDs just to boost the YEAHs I can give to Hideki's comment on Miiverse.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Vorash Kadan said:
They have my support, I'll even make multiple fake NNIDs just to boost the YEAHs I can give to Hideki's comment on Miiverse.

Where on Miiverse did he post this?
Can you post the link here so we can all 'yeah' it?

Not sure i would care about this game coming out, if it was digital only for 15 to 20, i would say that would be there best bet, but really i don't think the sale numbers would be behind this game.

Nintendo do, what all others don't.

Digital only and £15 max would be the best way of getting attention. The cheaper the better. Would definately go for it myself.

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