Pikmin Director Working on New Nintendo IP

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.11.2013 2

Pikmin Director Working on New Nintendo IP on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Game designer and previous Pimkin director Masamichi Abe is currently working on a new IP for Nintendo.

According to a Tweet from the chap behind Tekken, Katsuhiro Harada, Abe is in "Nintendo Kyoto now working on some Nintendo original title". The designer is best known for directing both Pikmin and Pikmin 2, plus working on Tekken 2 plus Metroid Prime: Hunters.

What sort of title do you think Masamichi Abe is working on?

Box art for Pikmin








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M3g4t0n!!! It's the title that will save the GameCube!!

Please be a grand title that'll make us all fall in love like Pikmin.

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