Dinosaur Planet may Have Had Racing Sections in Each Level

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.11.2013 1

Dinosaur Planet may Have Had Racing Sections in Each Level on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

In an interview with British studio Rare, an interesting tidbit about the N64 project Dinosaur Planet was revealed.

Speaking to Retro Gamer, Phil Tossell revealed that the original concept was designed to be a "hybrid of Diddy Kong Racing and adventure game". Instead of simply roaming about this new world, there would be "some kind of track in it and a race as part of the story" in each level.

Dinosaur Planet was eventually lapped up by Nintendo, with Shigeru Miyamoto suggesting that the world of Star Fox would be a good fit for the project and the rest is history.

Could a hybrid between Dinosaur Planet and Diddy Kong Racing have worked?

Box art for Star Fox Adventures








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Interesting that this is news now, because the info was there in the past that Dinosaur Planet started off as an adventure-racing hybrid after DKR was complete. Found it out myself when I did the research for the history of the game for a Missing in Action article. The leftovers of racing stages in SFA are further proof of the original idea. Nice to get further official confirmation to settle the rumours, though. There's so much history behind this game that I doubt we'll ever fully know half of it. Makes me wanna dig out old Nintendo mags to see what info they had at the time, too.

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