Pokémon X and Y are Fastest 3DS Million Seller

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.11.2013 7

Pokémon X and Y are Fastest 3DS Million Seller on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have sent out an info-graphic highlighting the immense success of Pokémon X and Pokémon Y so far.

Over 2 million units have been sold in the US to date, with both games together being the fastest selling 3DS title in the country to reach 1 million units sold. The figure was met in just a day, with the nearest competitor, Mario Kart 7, reaching that total in four weeks on the market.

In terms of hardware, the Nintendo 3DS/2DS consoles saw a 135% jump four weeks after the launch, compared to the four week period previous.

Image for Pokémon X and Y are Fastest 3DS Million Seller

Were you one of the North American fans to pick up Pokémon since launch - if so, which version?

Box art for Pokémon X and Y

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The enduring (and growing!) power of Pokemon continues to amaze me.

Typo - *Were you* (not where you) one of the American....

Would be good to see combined worldwide sales with territorial figures. 

Our member of the week

This explains why it's so easy to find people willing to exchange you Pokémon on the GTS ^^.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

RudyC3 said:
This explains why it's so easy to find people willing to exchange you Pokémon on the GTS ^^.

...Until you want some not so common Pokémon and people demand legendaries and other Pokémon that aren't even in game. Smilie

I've seen you online a few times and was quite surprised that you bought it. What tempted you?

Our member of the week

SirLink said:
RudyC3 said:
This explains why it's so easy to find people willing to exchange you Pokémon on the GTS ^^.

...Until you want some not so common Pokémon and people demand legendaries and other Pokémon that aren't even in game. Smilie

I've seen you online a few times and was quite surprised that you bought it. What tempted you?

It was offered to me. Otherwise i'd still be waiting for Pokémon Z!

Put about 30 hours in it in the last 6 days Smilie.

On the GTS side, I gotta say I managed to to get pretty much any Pokémon I wanted so far, just by putting Swirlix up for grabs. Version exclusive Pokémon are on high demand. I did put a few Axew as well, since those are not "too" common. For the Legendaries well I simply intend on putting the ones I capture up for grabs in exchange for the one from the other version. Like when I get Zapdos, I'll put it up for grabs for a Articuno, and then Articuno for a Moltres, etc... That's the only way you can hope to complete your Dex anyway!

( Edited 22.11.2013 15:38 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

RudyC3 said:
SirLink said:
RudyC3 said:
This explains why it's so easy to find people willing to exchange you Pokémon on the GTS ^^.

...Until you want some not so common Pokémon and people demand legendaries and other Pokémon that aren't even in game. Smilie

I've seen you online a few times and was quite surprised that you bought it. What tempted you?

It was offered to me. Otherwise i'd still be waiting for Pokémon Z!

Put about 30 hours in it in the last 6 days Smilie.

On the GTS side, I gotta say I managed to to get pretty much any Pokémon I wanted so far, just by putting Swirlix up for grabs. Version exclusive Pokémon are on high demand. I did put a few Axew as well, since those are not "too" common. For the Legendaries well I simply intend on putting the ones I capture up for grabs in exchange for the one from the other version. Like when I get Zapdos, I'll put it up for grabs for a Articuno, and then Articuno for a Moltres, etc... That's the only way you can hope to complete your Dex anyway!

Oh those aren't a problem at all. When I completed my Kalos Pokédex, I always put up my version exclusive for the other and got them with ease. You can always get legendaries the way you said but I really dislike trading mine away, so I just ask friends to temporarily trade me theirs.

I should have specified that I'm more talking about post-game trades, specifically those that concern a little, obscure topic you may or may not have seen on this website. Smilie

Our member of the week

SirLink said:
I should have specified that I'm more talking about post-game trades, specifically those that concern a little, obscure topic you may or may not have seen on this website. Smilie

Ah no, I don't think I noticed that Smilie

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

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