Mario Kart Arcade GP DX Heading to the West

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.11.2013 1

Mario Kart Arcade GP DX Heading to the West on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Not content with simply sitting with a controller for Mario Kart? The latest arcade version has been confirmed for the West.

According to ArcadeHeroes, the third installment in the popular Namco Bandai-developed Mario Kart series will receive a localised edition for release from this Winter. As with the past games, favourites will return including Mario, Luigi, Bowser, Pacman and many more, in a new set of traditional and new courses to complete in, with support for four player simultaneous racing.

Image for Mario Kart Arcade GP DX Heading to the West

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Box art for Mario Kart Arcade GP DX

Namco Bandai







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Do we still have arcades in the UK??

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