Sakurai Explains Smash Bros. Outline Softness with Pikachu

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.11.2013 6

Sakurai Explains Smash Bros. Outline Softness with Pikachu on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Today's Super Smash Bros. update explores the cell-shaded outline effect in the Nintendo 3DS version of the game.

Because of the smaller screen, players will have the option to turn on small outlines that'll surround characters to make the action clearer, especially during those heated one-stock battles! To cater for all, the effect can be switched on, off or anywhere in-between, however it's not as dark as players may think.

A screenshot of the ever-adorable Pikachu shows how the outline is fairly transparent, working with the characters palette whilst being bold enough to stand out.

Image for Sakurai Explains Smash Bros. Outline Softness with Pikachu

Will you play with or without the character outlines on 3DS?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS

Bandai Namco







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I've stated this before, but I really like this idea. At times I would lose track of my character in Brawl. Too much chaos! Good of them to give players the option.

Jacob4000 said:
I've stated this before, but I really like this idea. At times I would lose track of my character in Brawl. Too much chaos! Good of them to give players the option.
Except that these outlines are only in the 3DS version, from what we have seen so far. Never lost track of my character in Brawl though, so I won't be needing them for the Wii U version. I plan to pick up both versions eventually and I am quite fond of these outlines, so I'll definitely play around with them!

Shame about the lack of it on Wii U though, I'm sure I'd have enjoyed playing with the lines... on!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
Shame about the lack of it on Wii U though, I'm sure I'd have enjoyed playing with the lines... on!
I dunno, I don't think the lines would suit the Wii U version, I think it'd make it look tacky. It works well with the 3DS due to the cartoon-like/cel-shaded visuals.

( Edited 15.11.2013 12:15 by Mush )

I think the game being in HD will help the Wii U version - more resolution = more clarity.

The option would at least be nice to have, though. Don't really care if it doesn't suit the art style if I can't see my character.

Our member of the week

More games on the portable could use such a feature to be honest. Perhaps not so much on something like the PSVita which offers a much higher resolution, allowing to see more tiny details, so long as your eyes are good enough, but on 3DS, I think sometimes it could be really useful.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

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