Watch Captain Olimar in the new Pikmin 3 DLC

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.11.2013 2

Watch Captain Olimar in the new Pikmin 3 DLC on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The latest set of downloadable content for Pikmin 3 will include stages featuring previous Pikmin stars Captain Olimar and Louie.

In some of the stages players, as Olimar, will need to search for the hapless Louie. If Pikmin are able to retrieve him, players will also be able to take control of Louie for the remainder of the campaign.


Priced at $4.99, the eight stage pack will include a wide range of new environments not in the original game, including a house, beach and construction site, varying between "collect treasure" and "battle enemies" missions.

The new content will be available from December 2nd, but will also require an update in order for it to run.

Will you join Olimar in the latest Pikmin 3 DLC set?

Box art for Pikmin 3








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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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Will be downloading ASAP. Keep the DLC coming for my game of the year!

I love DLC for Pikmin 3, it's the perfect game for it. But..... I'm waiting for a discount to get all the DLC. I have enough to play and right now.

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