Yokota Talks and Teases Super Mario 3D World Musical Arrangements

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.11.2013

Yokota Talks and Teases Super Mario 3D World Musical Arrangements on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The highly trained ears of Mahito Yokota and Koji Kondo were quizzed about the musical direction in Super Mario 3D World.

The "musical aims" have differed in the new game when compared to orchestral Mario Galaxy series, Yokota said, with the musicians aiming for a "more rhythmic atmosphere, something you'll want to dance to". There's a more big-band feel with "a full horn section with trumpets and saxophones" to differentiate the feeling in this game.

Some fans have been curious to know if Nintendo would be remixing classics songs from much-loved SNES game Super Mario World. Yokata replied that there isn't, but  teased that there may be arrangements from Mario 2 in the new Wii U release.

Yokota was the main composer this time round, joined by Toru Minegishi and Yasuaki Iwata. Series music man Koji Kondo was also involved, penning "two tracks for the athletic and seaside courses".


What Mario 2 arrangements would you like to hear in the new game?

Box art for Super Mario 3D World





3D Platformer



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