Wii U Sales see Significant Increase in Japan

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.11.2013 4

Wii U Sales see Significant Increase in Japan on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

This week's Media Create results for Japan show a Wii-surgence for Wii U, with the console's sales leaping significantly.

The Wii U has been dipping lower and lower in Japan, temporarily ignited with the handful of key releases this year, sinking to an all time low of around 2,000 units per week. In the last week the Wii U sold 38,000 units, making it the second best-selling hardware for the period, and better positioning the hardware for the weeks to come.

Despite this, there was only one Wii U title in the top ten - Wii Party U, joined by the continually strong Pokémon X and Pokémon Y in first place, Danball Senki Wars in third and Monster Hunter 4 in forth place.

In terms of hardware figures:
3DS LL - 58,627 (69,001)
Wii U - 38,802 (2,598)
3DS - 29,749 (40,507)
PlayStation Vita - 27,618 (24,513)
PlayStation 3 - 11,148 (11,460)
PSP - 3,680 (3,807)
Wii - 477 (742)
Xbox 360 - 328 (351)

It's likely that the release of Wii Sports Club and Wii Fit U in digital form in Japan during that week also contributed to the increase in sales.

Box art for Wii Party U

Nd Cube







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Good sign, especially if it happened without any major titles coming out.

Hopefully these sales can be sustained.

Definitely - Wii Party U, Sports and Fit seemed to have made the difference, plus new bundles. Nintendo definitely need to have a more retail push for Wii Sports Club and Wii Fit U - not enough focus on these games in ads so far. Why on earth Sports Club isn't available as a physical, bundled disc is beyond me.

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Jmanultra (guest) 07.11.2013#3

 It's been under 4,000 units each week, so I doubt these numbers are going to last. We'll probably see a spike when Mario hits as well, then it'll be back to abysmal numbers.

There's no way WiiU sales will drop again for some time.  At least some people like phantomx on IGN don't seem to think so.  He says:

"Here is the Japan Wii U release for the rest of the year:

Call of Duty: Ghosts (Subtitled Edition)

Super Mario 3D World
Taiko no Tatsujin: Wii U Version

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
Disney Infinity (Starter Pack)

Batman: Arkham Begins
Dragon Quest X: Nemureru Yuusha to Michibiki no Meiyuu Online
Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games

Monster Hunter Frontier G (Beginner's Package)

I dont see the Wii U sales dipping back down to the levels weve seen earlier in the year in Japan. No matter how much you assume they will.

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