Iwata: Change in Strategy not Needed for Nintendo Wii U Success

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.10.2013 4

Iwata: Change in Strategy not Needed for Nintendo Wii U Success on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

In a press meeting after Nintendo's financial results, Nintendo boss Satoru Iwata talked Wii U strategy.

It's no secret that the Wii U is having a difficult time so far. It's first year on the market has been plagued by third parties backing out, lackluster sales and limited marketing. Sales haven't quite been up to scratch but Nintendo are adamant to change things with the release of key games.

Iwata feels that there isn't a need for a major shake-up in strategy, stating that "one game has the power to change everything. Are we satisfied with these sales results? No. Is it impossible to recover from this? No."

As highlighted in the results, Nintendo are sticking the estimated figure of 100 billion yen in operating profit by the end of March 2014.

The key? Simply, the games, with titles like Super Mario 3D World in addition to Wii Fit U, Wii Party U, Mario & Sonic and more heading to the system in the coming weeks.

Should a change in Nintendo's strategy with Wii U be in order?

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Just need to get Super Mario 3D WorldSuper Smash Bros.Mario Kart 8, X, and others out. Wii U has some really great games coming, it's just that we're still waiting for them.

I bet that the PS4 and the XB1 will beat the entire annual sales of the Wii U on launch day. The UK sales alone would probably beat worldwide sales of the Wii U! 

It just isnt as good value for money as the PS4 to be fair. When i think i could have saved that money and put it to a PS4 any non-Nintendo fan would just have looked at that and think what a stupid idea.

I agree games like Mario Kart 8, Smash Bros and X might convince the Nintendo fans who havent already got a Wii U to get one but its not going to bring in the mass games market. Until Nintendo get core 3rd party franchises to comit a full online and game experience such as FIFA, COD and any other large 3rd party games that get annual releases then Nintendo wont shift units.

Sure we will have Ghosts, but considering that BO2 didnt really have many or any updated packs on to it then it still not going to sway the mass market.

Its not going to sell until its under £150 with Nintendo Land to be fair....or the new Wii Sports included.

Flynnie said:
I bet that the PS4 and the XB1 will beat the entire annual sales of the Wii U on launch day. The UK sales alone would probably beat worldwide sales of the Wii U! 

Are you talking about just 2013 sales? Because you can't seriously be thinking lifetime. Not even Sony or Microsoft expect that (even combined it's unlikely).

( Edited 31.10.2013 20:41 by Sonic_13 )

Sonic_13 said:
Flynnie said:
I bet that the PS4 and the XB1 will beat the entire annual sales of the Wii U on launch day. The UK sales alone would probably beat worldwide sales of the Wii U! 

Are you talking about just 2013 sales? Because you can't seriously be thinking lifetime. Not even Sony or Microsoft expect that (even combined it's unlikely).

Well a bit of over-exageration but i'd reckon PS4 sales will beat Wii U's lifetime sales by the end of 2013

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