Zelda Team to be More Cautious on Selecting Art Styles

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.10.2013 9

Zelda Team to be More Cautious on Selecting Art Styles on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Legend of Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma says that Nintendo will be more cautious when selecting art styles for future games.

In the latest issue of GamesTM magazine, Aonuma reminisced about the first time the studio introduced The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker to the fanbase and how Nintendo "encountered an awful lot of problems from the drastic leap".

"I think we will be a bit more careful in the future", he admits, but didn't rule out another leap in graphical design for the series. However, that said, the team "haven't found such an approach" that he feels would satisfy both fans and the development team just yet.

Which of the Legend of Zelda art styles do you prefer?

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker





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Darkflame (guest) 31.10.2013#1

Can you add a new option? I want the game to dynamically change between many styles based on where you are in the overworld Smilie

So hard to choose. I love Wind Waker's. I love Twilight Princess'. I love Skyward Sword's. I like having something different every time. I wouldn't mind seeing the E3 demo's style for the new Wii U game.

I would have voted Twilight Princess but no option for that....

I'd have to say OoT based on that list!

I can't choose, if I'm honest. Choosing would imply I would have a preference of style Zelda should stick to, but the fact that we can get two games like Majora's Mask, Wind Waker and Twilight Princess released within a decade all looking completely different is part of why I love Zelda.

So.. as far as I'm concerned, this is kinda bad news and has me a bit worried. I'd really love for a Zelda game to be announced out of nowhere with a shocking new art direction like Wind Waker and Twilight Princess both did.. I guess I'll have to dash my hopes for that somewhat now.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Likewise, it is good to see them change the style of the game so radically, i can't really think of many other AAA IP's that really undergo such a graphical style change like Zelda does from version-version!

Flynnie said:
Likewise, it is good to see them change the style of the game so radically, i can't really think of many other AAA IP's that really undergo such a graphical style change like Zelda does from version-version!

Honestly if Zelda wasn't a famous or well-known franchise and you approached a gamer with screenshots of WW and TP and said "hey one of these games is a sequel to the other!"

They would think you were having a laugh! The only reason we're so used to it is because well.. we're used to it! When you take a step back and look at Zelda's artstyle changes objectively, it's actually extremely bizarre and unique. I don't think many (if any) other media franchise does this to the extreme extent Zelda does.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Flynnie said:
Likewise, it is good to see them change the style of the game so radically, i can't really think of many other AAA IP's that really undergo such a graphical style change like Zelda does from version-version!

Wow, never thought about that before. Great point to bring up.

Yeah, Flynnie and SL bring up great points about the art style.

We all get frustrated from time to time with the series' occasionally dated design, but no one is as willing to take risks with the actual look of their most critically claimed IP like Nintendo is.

Jacob4000 said:
Yeah, Flynnie and SL bring up great points about the art style.

We all get frustrated from time to time with the series' occasionally dated design, but no one is as willing to take risks with the actual look of their most critically claimed IP like Nintendo is.

Likewise. I polled for OoT, but I like the style of all of the games. It depends on the usage, too. aLttP is great for portable Zeldas. I was one of the few, who liked Windwaker back in the days and I like Skyward sword, too.
I liked cute Link at TP best, but not his face, it was a tiny bit awkward. So it's difficult. I like them all and I like them being different each time.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

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