New Indie Adventure The Girl and the Robot Could Battle on Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.10.2013

New Indie Adventure The Girl and the Robot Could Battle on Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

New indie project The Girl and the Robot could get a Wii U version.

The new game, which launched on Kickstarter earlier this week, revolves around two characters - as the title suggests - a charming young girl and her newfound robot friend. The pair first meet when the girl escapes a prison cell, frees our robot protagonist, and it's down to the pair to unravel the mystery of the castle.

It's pitched as a third person action/adventure game for PC, Mac and Linux and "brings the thrills of classic games such as The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Ico, and pairs them with the sense of wonder and adventure found in animated movies such as those from Studio Ghibli."

Developer Salim Larochelle is currently hoping to talk with Nintendo to be able to bring the game to Wii U.


Would you like to see The Girl and the Robot developed for Nintendo's home console?

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