EA: Wii U and Wii Account for Just 1 Percent of Sales

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.10.2013 6

EA: Wii U and Wii Account for Just 1 Percent of Sales on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

More financial results data has poured in today with EA's figures showing a small proportion of Nintendo Wii U sales.

The report boasts a $695 million total revenue from different channels - console, mobile and PC software. On the Nintendo front EA may have scaled back on Wii U releases, but from existing software only $9 million (1%) came from Nintendo Wii and Wii U.

The figure is a far cry from fellow home consoles - Xbox 360 claiming a 54% share and PS3 a 42% chunk.

Nintendo handhelds made up just 0.7% of the software sales, Playstation handhelds 1%, eclipsed by mobile platforms which gobbled up 10.8% of the total sales.

What EA published titles do you feel can make the difference on Wii U and 3DS?

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So far Need For Speed is the only decent effort they've published for the system but that was an old game. The rest at launch were pathetic.

Ports are bad enough but shoddy ones are awful.

And 1% is bound to happen when no new games have been released.

noone buys a nintendo console for an EA game, instead of blaming the system, try making decent games.

Wow, they managed to get 1% of their income from Nintendo platforms.... AND THEY DON'T EVEN RELEASE GAMES FOR THEM!

Really good news if you ask me. Smilie

The fact that Nintendo handhelds makes up a smaller percentage than the Wii U prove that it's not simply about the number of consoles sold!

Isn't 1% for a couple of old games released last November and basically nothing else since actually pretty good?

FIFA could be great on the Wii U! I don't understand why they wouldn't make an effort with this!

Nintendo should get SEGA to make their sport alternatives for the console and make it exclusive Smilie

( Edited 31.10.2013 19:20 by Flynnie )

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