Eguchi Teases Plans for new Animal Crossing Game

By Jorge Ba-oh 29.10.2013 9

Eguchi Teases Plans for new Animal Crossing Game on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

An interview with Animal Crossing producer and series creator Katsuya Eguchi teases the future of the series.

Whilst the legion of Animal Crossing fans are currently enjoying daily life in the 3DS version of the game, the series is far from over. The development staff at Nintendo are pondering just how to take the Animal Crossing series even further, but first need to finalise hardware.

Speaking to EDGE this week, Eguchi was asked if the team would simply expand the Animal Crossing "template", or make bigger changes, to which he replied that Nintendo "have already started thinking about what to do next".


However, there is "no concrete direction yet" as the team needs to decide on the hardware to develop the new game for. Once the platform decision is made, "we can start thinking of elements of Animal Crossing and how we can realise them using the hardware", he said.

Would you like to see the new Animal Crossing on Wii U or 3DS?

Box art for Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Also known as

Tobidase Doubutsu no Mori









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What do they mean "decide which platform"? 3DS already has one, now Wii U needs one. It's not bloody rocket science. lol

That said Animal Crossing 3DS might be the last one in the series for me, regardless of their future plans. Solid games, but the premise is starting to wear thin for me, despite its charm.

I want to be able to play together with my BF. A WiiU game where we both play at the same time would be great. I could see what's in they shop whilst he goes fishing etc Smilie.

New Leaf was my first AC game which I think is fantastic but I would need the WiiU version to really get the most out of the hardware for me to put time into another.

Local co-op AC on one game. Make it happen Nintendo!!

Ifrit has a fantastic idea there!

Someone plays on the TV and a friend on the Wii U gamepad. You could have local co-op. Absolutely brilliant and takes advantage of the hardware.

Could both have our own animal friends and plans and either share a house or have one each. So much potential. Now I'm getting my hopes up :'(

It's one big thing that could make a console AC stand out over the handheld version and worth owning.

Ifrit's unto something there!

But if they're not even going to do cross platform play on a simultaneous release like Smash Bros, I dunno if they'd do it for Animal Crossing games developed years apart.

Local co-op would be great for this defo - maybe the same game (well, spruced up on the Wii U) as the 3DS edition with simultaneous play?

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Jacob4000 said:
What do they mean "decide which platform"? 3DS already has one, now Wii U needs one. It's not bloody rocket science. lol

That said Animal Crossing 3DS might be the last one in the series for me, regardless of their future plans. Solid games, but the premise is starting to wear thin for me, despite its charm.

Bro this hurt my animal crossing feelings Smilie

Ari said:
Jacob4000 said:
What do they mean "decide which platform"? 3DS already has one, now Wii U needs one. It's not bloody rocket science. lol

That said Animal Crossing 3DS might be the last one in the series for me, regardless of their future plans. Solid games, but the premise is starting to wear thin for me, despite its charm.

Bro this hurt my animal crossing feelings Smilie

Heh, sorry man. They're still top notch quality games! There's just only one series that I can stand being nearly the same for years at a time, and that's Fire Emblem.

And even Fire Emblem saw a massive reinvention with Awakening.

Jacob4000 said:
Ari said:
Jacob4000 said:
What do they mean "decide which platform"? 3DS already has one, now Wii U needs one. It's not bloody rocket science. lol

That said Animal Crossing 3DS might be the last one in the series for me, regardless of their future plans. Solid games, but the premise is starting to wear thin for me, despite its charm.

Bro this hurt my animal crossing feelings Smilie

Heh, sorry man. They're still top notch quality games! There's just only one series that I can stand being nearly the same for years at a time, and that's Fire Emblem.

And even Fire Emblem saw a massive reinvention with Awakening.

I'm totally ignorant of the Fire Emblem series but after seeing comments about the series like yours right here I feel like I finally need to jump into it. I'm not quite sure where's a good place to start though.. What's your opinion?

SmilieI'm just emotionally attached to Animal Crossing  because of it's simplicity I think. I only play for a few minutes each time so it's so casual I just could never get bored of all of the silly features.

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