HD Wii U Remakes Would Require Development Partner

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.10.2013 14

HD Wii U Remakes Would Require Development Partner on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Want HD remakes on Wii U? Miyamoto says Nintendo would require a development partner to do so.

Whilst HD remakes of past Nintendo titles are pleasing for most fans, the core teams at the Japanese game maker are hard at work "making new stuff", said Miyamoto an in interview this week. He feels that HD remakes would ideally have to be handled by an external development partner, something that he hopes would be introduced in the future.

Miyamoto would be open to the idea of remakes of titles like Super Mario Sunshine or Super Mario Galaxy.

He did feel that if Nintendo were to remake a title, it could incorporate new ideas to create a "refreshing experience to this rather than simply update the visuals".

There is also a rumour going round that Nintendo are set to be remaking N64 titles in HD.

What past Nintendo titles would you like to see remade on Wii U?

Box art for Super Mario Sunshine





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That N64 rumor is one of the worst I've ever seen. It's too detailed, too good to be true... And if that doesn't convince you, the striped out list of games will.

I wouldn't mind some remakes of stellar games, but I think GameCube on Virtual Console is going to do them much more good. But then they'd have to go the extra mile and uprender the graphics. Nobody wants 640x graphics.

Good to know that if Nintendo did remake certain games that minimal internal resources would be consumed by them.

I think most of us wouldn't be opposed to such games, but would rather Nintendo's internal resources be spent towards developing new titles.

Sunshine sunshine sunshine sunshine SUNSHINE!! I cannott be more clear Miyamoto!!

Since when do people love Sunshine? -_-' 5 years ago everybody hated it. With the E3 trailer of SM3DW people suddenly thought they loved Sunshine. Go back to the game and see if you really love it as much as you think.

Sunshine is my favorite Mario game like ever so I ain't someone who's just decided they love the game. Last played it last year and my enjoyment was no less than when I first played it. :-D

I know I'm in the minority when I say that though. :-P

Canyarion said:
Since when do people love Sunshine? -_-' 5 years ago everybody hated it. With the E3 trailer of SM3DW people suddenly thought they loved Sunshine. Go back to the game and see if you really love it as much as you think.

Sunshine was the first 3D Mario I've played so I always loved it too but it's certainly a curious observation. I've seen similar things about The Wind Waker or Majora's Mask, which slowly became fan favourites. Maybe some people don't start to appreciate elements of older games in a series until a new instalment is doing something different (they don't want)?

I still don't like Sunshine, never will.

Canyarion said:
Since when do people love Sunshine?

I love Sunshine!!!

I thought lots of people liked sunshine, but that is not the game I would want to see re-made,

Nintendo do, what all others don't.

Marzy said:
I still don't like Sunshine, never will.

Boo Marzy, boooooooooooo! Smilie

I think Sunshine is the perfect game for a re-boot because it's a flawed classic.
What better way to get the creases ironed out?

Cheesing it up said:
I think Sunshine is the perfect game for a re-boot because it's a flawed classic.
What better way to get the creases ironed out?
Now THAT'S a reason I can get behind.

Canyarion said:
Since when do people love Sunshine? -_-' 5 years ago everybody hated it. With the E3 trailer of SM3DW people suddenly thought they loved Sunshine. Go back to the game and see if you really love it as much as you think.

I was never opposed to Sunshine, but i know a lot of people were. I quite frankly loved Sunshine when it was announced, released, played and retrospectively played (which i went back to around 2/3 years ago).

Even now i still like Sunshine! I think there could be a few things they could refine but its perfect for a HD remake. The game already looked colourful and bright back then!

Although Fzero GX would be the top of my list Smilie

( Edited 28.10.2013 12:25 by Flynnie )

To me, Sunshine didn't really feel like a Mario game. Several reasons:

- the whole tropical island setting felt too different
- always having FLUDD made the game slower, easier and sometimes tedious (like having to clean the paint)
- it had too little classic Mario action - the mini-levels where you didn't have FLUDD were the best parts of the game

You can't really fix that stuff with an HD remake.

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