Nintendo Won't Rule-out a New Solo 3D Mario Game

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.10.2013 1

Nintendo Won

Nintendo held a conference with press members in the US, with Miyamoto outlining potential future plans for 3D Mario games.

Super Mario 3D World is the next installment of the popular 3D platforming series, blending multiplayer mechanics with a scrumptious assortment of levels. However some fans have wondered if the move would signify a departure from the critically acclaimed Super Mario Galaxy series of games.


Miyamoto addressed that particular question, noting how the design for Super Mario 3D World is the product of Nintendo finding a way "evolve further in incorporating all of these elements" found in both 2D and 3D Mario titles.

However, the father of Mario isn't ruling out a single player Super Mario 3D experience. "I'd certainly like to consider that possibility," said Miyamoto, noting how the main goal for the moment is to "expose as many people as possible to this type of gameplay in a 3D world". He feels that 3D World is "the most balanced system in which to do this".

Would you like to play a new solo 3D Mario outing in the future?

Box art for Super Mario 3D World





3D Platformer



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I'd much more prefer a solo 3D outing....I think Miyamoto should be more honest and just say that 2D Mario games draw in a larger sales appeal. 

I think you'd satisfy a lot of the Nintendo Hardcore with a 3D outing...after all the Wii U was meant to be bringing these gamers back right.....?

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