Super Mario 3D World has Solo Toad Outing that Removes Jumping

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.10.2013 1

Super Mario 3D World has Solo Toad Outing that Removes Jumping on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo has discussed some of the new side mechanics in Super Mario 3D World: separate Toad levels and the Mystery House.

Alongside the wide range of levels and multiplayer action, there'll also be a handful of bonus levels that'll introduce new mechanics. In "The Adventures of Captain Toad", players will explore levels that are designed more like a puzzle game using the Toad Brigade Captain from Super Mario Galaxy.

Speaking to IGN, co-director Kenta Motokura noted how the Captain won't be able to jump in these levels, and that "really changes the way you interact with the world and the enemies you encounter".

For example, there's an enemy that is very simple, called a Bitty Bug. It just crawls around on the ground and gets stomped on. But suddenly, when you can't jump, it's the most terrifying thing. You have to think of a way to get around it.

You can control the camera using the gyro function on the GamePad by moving it around, and also the circle pad. That allows you to see the course from various angles, and by using those camera controls, you're able to find the five stars you have to find there in order to complete the puzzle.

In Mystery House, players will need to complete various, smaller stages within a set amount of time, collecting as many green stars as possible. "At first, it seems pretty easy, but you have to complete one after the other. As you go through it, things get kind of tense and you might end up messing up," Motokura said.

For more on Super Mario 3D World, be sure to join in the Super Mario 3D World official forum topic.

What do you think of the extra bonus levels in Super Mario 3D World?

Box art for Super Mario 3D World





3D Platformer



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It's about time that Toad got a spin off!

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