New Super Mario 3D World Trailer Confirms Online Support and New Power-ups

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.10.2013 16

New Super Mario 3D World Trailer Confirms Online Support and New Power-ups on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

With just over a month till the release of Super Mario 3D World, Nintendo have posted a tantalising teaser for the new game.

It's difficult to constrain excitement with the game looking absolutely sublime so far as Mario and friends leap into vibrant new HD worlds, together with a slew of fun power-ups like the new cat ability and Double Mario. With up to four player support, Super Mario 3D World is looking like a strong contender for must have Wii U title this year.

Nintendo also confirmed internet support for the game, including a "Ghost Mii" feature and stamp collecting.


What are your thoughts on Super Mario 3D World so far?

Box art for Super Mario 3D World





3D Platformer



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*watches trailer* SmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Still no proper online which is a shame but it's still looking to be an amazing game. Very tempted to buy it on launch!

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Why is Toad a default blue? I want Red and white toad! Smilie

Awesome game. I played the event demo a few weeks ago and it was a lot of fun. But controlling it with the D-pad (Wiimote only) is pretty bad.

I'm hoping for Classic Controller support (because I only have 2 nunchucks), but I guess I'm out of luck.

Flynnie said:
Why is Toad a default blue? I want Red and white toad! Smilie

The Mushroom Kingdom racial war of 2013?

I definitely, definitely, definitely (x infinity) need this game. NSMB is fine, but this game - wow - since E3 perceptions have seriously changed. This is the trailer they should have showed!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
Flynnie said:
Why is Toad a default blue? I want Red and white toad! Smilie

The Mushroom Kingdom racial war of 2013?

I definitely, definitely, definitely (x infinity) need this game. NSMB is fine, but this game - wow - since E3 perceptions have seriously changed. This is the trailer they should have showed!

Hahah, indeed! I only like playing as original Toad! 

I have to admit the trailer has made this look more appealing...but not worth £45....I'd happy pay that for Galaxy 3 (or any other successor) but i don't think i'd get as much out of this! I flew through 3D land on the 3DS and while it was good it was just too short to warrant that price tag.

Flynnie said:
Why is Toad a default blue? I want Red and white toad! Smilie

The game is supposed to be similar to Super Mario Bros. 2 which is why everyone has their unique abilities from that game and it's also why Toad is blue:

Image for

Bucky (guest) 24.10.2013#9

I got really excited when I saw the ability to get inside of the koopa shell and control its path. That was unexpected.

This game does certainly look great but they missed a big opportunity with a 2-4 player online co-op, the ghost mii is okay, but having having online mode with your friends and directly speaking to them through the mic would have a been a fun and sociable experience. Nintendo can do this and don't see any reason why they can't, I hope they add it in the future or just before release.

L said:
Flynnie said:
Why is Toad a default blue? I want Red and white toad! Smilie

The game is supposed to be similar to Super Mario Bros. 2 which is why everyone has their unique abilities from that game and it's also why Toad is blue:

Image for

Tis unfortunate...i thought they'd carry it on with Red Toad who I always see as the "main" Toad, same as with Green Yoshi. (mainly because of the cartoons i guess)

Personally, I would've preferred it if Nintendo gave Toad his signature red & white color scheme. I realize he was blue in SMB2, and that SM3DW is paying homage to it (which is awesome), but red & white is the signature color scheme for THE Toad, and I don't understand why they wouldn't want to put THE Toad in SM3DW.

Besides, we all know Mario's signature colors are red & blue, and yet he's been featured with red & brown (SMB) and red & black (SMB3). Oh well.

What I REALLY don't understand is why Nintendo is so insistent on leaving out features that have become standard in the modern game industry. Like online multiplayer and co-op modes. Especially for their otherwise amazing 1st & 2nd party games. Whether they like it or not, players have come to expect it (and for good reason).

I believe that's partly why 3rd parties are so lazy/sloppy with developing for Nintendo's home consoles. Nintendo needs to set the bar higher.


I want 4-player online co-op for Super Mario 3D World, dammit!

Chance favors the prepared mind.


When will it be time Miyamoto? They didn't have a problem doing it with Mario Kart DS way back in 2005 and the online on that game was great but what haven't they learned anything since, online playability grows popularity. Nintendo right now are doing half assed things, they will give you great online communities through the Miiverse but when it comes down to giving games actual online playability, NO CHANCE. 

They have potential big name games and I'm not necessarily saying all games should feature online co-op or whatever, but when you have a big draw like Super Mario 3D World and see the potential it has with online, they will be crazy to leave it out and I think they are for not adding it.

JUst incredible! I agree with Marzy: it looks like so much fun! SmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilie

I dont like how many people are complaining in these comments, the complaining is about why things are not in the game, I dont think you should look for things that are not in a game, then you'll be sure to have worse time, seroously! I think Nintendo is right, because you don't need to include time to develop bonus options that weren't even in the first  20 years of games mulitplayer?
Didn't people get to have very much fun in multiplayer without the internet? Why do you need online multiplayer when you can ask your friends or neighbours or family to come around for multiplayer mario?

This is the frist time you can play Mario Bros with four people at the same time!! It's amazing, isn't it?! I'm going to watch the trailer again haha Smilie

, said:
This is the frist time you can play Mario Bros with four people at the same time!! It's amazing, isn't it?! I'm going to watch the trailer again haha Smilie
New Super Mario Bros. Wii, New Super Mario Bros. U and New Super Luigi U say hi. Smilie

But it is the first time in 3D, so that's nice. Smilie

Hi! Smilie
I didn't know that, thanks!

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