Zelda producer Aonuma has revealed that the team tweaked A Link Between Worlds to work well on the Nintendo 2DS.
Despite being based on the 1991 classic A Link to the Past, the new Nintendo 3DS game introduces a wide range of mechanics that are easier to handle whilst playing with the 3D effect on.
However the Nintendo 2DS console, which doesn't allow for the 3D effect, was "announced during development, not before", Aonuma said in the interview. "We made sure you could still play and solve the puzzles only with 2D", he stressed.
Aonuma also highlighted how the game runs at a smooth 60fps even with the 3D effect cranked up to the top that "even those who found it difficult previously to see the 3D effect would be able to see it better and enjoy it more with this title."
When playing 3DS games do you play mainly with the 3D effect on or off?