The Sun Confuses Deus Ex Cybernetic Eyeball for Real Life

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.10.2013 9

The Sun Confuses Deus Ex Cybernetic Eyeball for Real Life on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

In an article about artificial enhancements in The Sun Newspaper, the report mistook Deus Ex for reality.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution, which will soon be available on Nintendo Wii U, includes a synthetic eyeball implant from a fictional company known as Sarif Industries.Amusingly, the report shows a picture and references the technology without pointing out that it's actually from the Square Enix video game.

Image for The Sun Confuses Deus Ex Cybernetic Eyeball for Real Life

That said, there may well be a top secret government organisation working in the shadows, somewhere.

What game technologies would you like to see in real life?

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What game technologies would you like to see in real life?

Hook and Clawshot (The Legend of Zelda!)

( Edited 17.10.2013 15:17 by Laurelin )

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Laurelin said:
What game technologies would you like to see in real life?

Hook and Clawshot (The Legend of Zelda!)

Samus' Power Suit and her ship. Smilie

Or better yet, just Samus. Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.
Darkflame (guest) 17.10.2013#3

The Sun often confuses fiction with reality. Its the Fox news of newspapers.

I would love the power from Zelda, the minish people size, and I would be able to see the world from a entirely different view and so much bigger. I would invite some friends to come with me and we could explore the probably very scary world before us of huge insects and things you see in movies like Alice in Wonderland, would be incredible!!

Darkflame...what's wrong? It's a nice day man. Smilie

you can bring $15000 of income every month... if you work for the Sun!

The Sun, ladies and gentlemen.

darkflame (guest) 19.10.2013#7

Darkflame...what's wrong? It's a nice day man. Smilie

Sorry to be grumpy. Smilie
I had just been reading about rather scary press related things. (specifically the prime minister speaking to prosecute The Guardian for reporting on the fact the government is spying on everyone in europes emails). Smilie

Darkflame (guest) said:
The Sun often confuses fiction with reality. Its the CNN of newspapers.

Fixed that for ya since Fox isn't afraid to speak the truth nor does it cover up the harshness of reality with rainbows & happy faces like CNN would have you believe in every situation.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422
Guest 21.10.2013#9

the report shows a picture and references the technology without pointing out that it's actually from the Square Enix video game.
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