Mario Party 3DS Won't go Online, Supports Local Download Play

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.10.2013 6

Mario Party 3DS Won

The latest chapter in the popular Mario Party series, Island Tour for Nintendo 3DS.

The 3DS debut has been delayed till next year in Europe, but will still hit US retail on November 22nd according to a Nintendo rep. Reports also confirm that the game will be fully playable between four players using one 3DS cartridge and local download play.

Seven new game boards, SteeetPass and over 80 mini-games will play host to more portable partying, but there won't be any online play.

Should the Mario Party series go online?

Box art for Mario Party: Island Tour








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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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The one thing that would get me back into Mario Party (I've only owned MP4) is online play so I'll have to pass on this. Hope to see a true online title for WiiU.

"Mario Party 3DS Won't go Online"



Chance favors the prepared mind.
TwilightSparkler (guest) 06.10.2013#3

Honestly, playing online would ruin the whole Mario 'Party' idea. It is a party game, after all.

TwilightSparkler (guest) said:
Honestly, playing online would ruin the whole Mario 'Party' idea. It is a party game, after all.

I think it needs both offline and online. My friends and I all have jobs, uni and even kids to deal with and when we do meet up, we normally go out for a drink etc. Local play would only get used 2 or 3 times a year.

With online, me and my partner could play against our friends over the internet. Might not be as great as it would were we all together but it's nice to have an option.

I think online could work personally - I've watched a few playthroughs where people are using netplay, I think it can work! Both offline and online as Ifrit says would be great

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

This is an utter disappointment for me. Of course the best way to play the game is locally with friends in the room, but that's just much harder of a situation to create. 

Having the option to go online and form matches would have been wonderful. There's no way I'll be getting this game now. 

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