Monster Hunter 4 Conquers Japan Whilst Zelda: Wind Waker HD has a Mild Start

By Jorge Ba-oh 02.10.2013 6

Monster Hunter 4 Conquers Japan Whilst Zelda: Wind Waker HD has a Mild Start on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Monster Hunter 4 is still dominating Japan in the latest charts, with a strong start for Zelda: The Wind Waker HD.

The top ten list for the week ending 29th September includes a selection of new releases for PlayStation 3 and PS Vita, however none of these came close to the sheer success of the 3DS-exclusive Monster Hunter 4. Capcom's latest action brawler sold 213,078 units, making lifetime sales to date 2,402,077.

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD came in seventh place, racking in 30,264 units after four days on the market. Elsewhere the regular Nintendo 3DS entries remained in the top twenty chart, including Yokai Watch, Tomodachi Collection: New Life and Animal Crossing: New Leaf.

Unfortunately the launch of The Wind Waker HD failed to inject more sales into the Wii U hardware, with the console selling around the now-normal 6000 mark. The Nintendo 3DS, however, continued to dominate the market with over 130,000 units sold during the week.

1. 3DS LL - 93,757 (118,400)
2. 3DS - 40,487 (40,988)
3. PlayStation 3 - 11,382 (10,749)
4. PlayStation Vita - 6,031 (5,155)
5. Wii U - 5,909 (5,824)
6. PSP - 4,805 (5,082)
7. Wii - 866 (965)
8. Xbox 360 - 511 (610)


Do you think the Wii U should have sold more given the launch of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD on the system?

Box art for Monster Hunter 4








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I read on another site that this is the worst Japanese opening for ANY Zelda game, including the remakes. That includes the GBA release of Zelda 2.


That's very true - it's the WORST ever start for a Zelda game, with even Famicom Mini: Adventure of Link beating it.

Horrible, horrible performance.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Mediacreate don't account for eShop sales, do they?

Nope - but the Famitsu sales were not impressive either:

06./00. [WIU] The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD (Nintendo) {2013.09.26} (¥5.985) - 31.154 / NEW <40-60%>

That percentage is the sell-through of the estimated shipment. Pretty awful, right?

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

That's some way below expected sales, but have HD remasters/remakes ever done very well in Japan? For some reason I always got the impression western folk were more interested in that sort of thing (though I have no idea where I got this conclusion from).

The Nintendo 3DS, however, continued to dominate the market with over 13,000 units old during the week.

13,000 units old?
I think you mean 130,000 units sold.

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