Wii U Stretch Goal for 2D RPG Hyper Light Drifter

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.10.2013 1

Wii U Stretch Goal for 2D RPG Hyper Light Drifter on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Indie studio Heart Machine have added a Wii U Kickstarter stretch goal for 2D RPG Hyper Light Drifter.

Inspired by 8-bit and 16-bit classics, the new game finds players navigating giant forests, floating structure and ruins - inspired by games like The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past and Diablo.

The project is currently at the $370,000 mark at time of writing and would need to raise $500,000 for a Wii U version. Heart Machine confirmed that they've been in talks with Nintendo to produce the game on Wii U in the latest blog update.

Hyper Light Drifter on Kickstarter


Would you like to see the concept rummage onto Nintendo Wii U?

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Looks solid! Might throw some cash at it! Smilie

When in doubt....Whip it out!

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