NES/Famicom USB Option for Mighty No. 9, Plus 3DS Stretch Goal

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.09.2013 3

NES/Famicom USB Option for Mighty No. 9, Plus 3DS Stretch Goal on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The latest Kickstarter update for Mighty No. 9 has revealed physical copies of the game including NES/Famicom shaped USB sticks.

The game is fast approaching the end of its crowd-funding campaign, and has racked up a vast amount of pledges from over 46,000 fans. Mighty No. 9 will also be made into a console version on Wii U, Xbox 360 and PS3 for those wanting to step into the slick 2D platformer in the living room.

Image for NES/Famicom USB Option for Mighty No. 9, Plus 3DS Stretch Goal

For a little extra investment, fans can grab hold of a disc version (PC/Mac/Linux) for an extra $26 ($31 for those outside the US). There'll also be the option to purchase Mighty No. 9 on a USB memory stick shaped like a NES or Famicom cartridge (PC/Mac/Linux) for $36 ($41 for international backers).

The update also detailed a new stretch goal for Mighty No. 9 - possible PS Vita and 3DS versions if the campaign reaches $3,500,000. If made, the game would be a digital version on the 3DS eShop.


Have you pledged support for Mighty No. 9 yet?

Box art for Mighty No. 9





2D Platformer



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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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It's funny because Sony's main digital guy today announced this before Comcept revealed it...but he only mentioned PS Vita, asking if that was 'megaton' enough for people in the room!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

OMG this is AWESOME. Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.
SIDE_SCROLLER (guest) 18.02.2014#3

WHAT!!! They arent Making a physical version for 3ds?! But I hate downloading, and if My ds breaks I'll have to buy it all over again!

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