Nintendo 3DS Outsells Wii Lifetime Figures in Japan, Monster Hunter 4 Conquers

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.09.2013 2

Nintendo 3DS Outsells Wii Lifetime Figures in Japan, Monster Hunter 4 Conquers on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

It's Wednesday and that means the latest sales figures from Japan are out, highlighting a stellar performance for Monster Hunter 4.

Monster Hunter 4 blitzed the competition in first place, outselling the remainder of the top ten combined with lifetime sales over two million. Elsewhere in the top ten were key Nintendo 3DS titles sneaking back into the list - including Tomodachi Collection: New Life, Mario & Luigi: Dream Team and Disney Magic Castle: My Happy Life.

New release Nobunaga's Ambition also had a comfortable start in seventh place, joined by Animal Crossing: New Leaf and Yokai Watch.


Given the sheer volume of Nintendo 3DS titles within the top twenty, the hardware sold 118,400 XL units and 40,988 standard 3DS consoles, whilst the Wii U hovers around the 5,824 mark. The 3DS has also now outsold the original Wii's lifetime figures in Japan. The Wii has sold 12,698,878 units to date, whilst the 3DS leaps past with an impressive 12,752,731 flogged since launch.

Software Sales (Lifetime Sales in Brackets)

1. [3DS] Monster Hunter 4 (Capcom, 09/14/13) - 473,739 (2,188,799)
2. [PSV] My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU Game (5pb., 09/19/13) - 16,469 (New)
3. [PS3] Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn (Square Enix, 08/27/13) - 10,648 (209,291)
4. [3DS] Tomodachi Collection: New Life (Nintendo, 04/18/13) - 9,724 (1,441,250)
5. [3DS] Mario & Luigi: Dream Team (Nintendo, 07/18/13) - 8,645 (311,239)
6. [3DS] Disney Magic Castle: My Happy Life (Namco Bandai, 08/01/13) - 7,853 (271,984)
7. [3DS] Nobunaga's Ambition (Tecmo Koei, 09/19/13) - 7,587 (New)
8. [3DS] Animal Crossing: New Leaf (Nintendo, 11/08/12) - 7,483 (3,417,572)
9. [3DS] Yokai Watch (Level-5, 07/11/13) - 7,226 (179,247)
10. [PSP] La Corda d'Oro: Full Voice Special (Tecmo Koei, 09/19/13) - 7,062 (New)

Hardware Sales (Last Week Sales in Brackets)

1. 3DS LL - 118,400 (236,700)
2. 3DS - 40,988 (40,092)
3. PlayStation 3 - 10,749 (12,146)
4. Wii U - 5,824 (5,003)
5. PlayStation Vita - 5,155 (6,020)
6. PSP - 5,082 (5,449)
7. Wii - 965 (962)
8. Xbox 360 - 610 (244)

Box art for Monster Hunter 4








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Just more evidence that Nintendo is doomed! Smilie

Glad to see Wii U sales up a bit.

And wow... Japanese sure do love their 3DS. Are the houses built of PS2s finally falling apart and they need new building material?!?

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